Book: John
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JOHN 6:66-69
Intro: Not all who are attracted to Jesus continue to follow Him. Many turn back.
A. Chapter opens with the account of the thousands attracted to deserted area of Sea
of Galilee.
1. Toward evening, Jesus said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough bread to
feed them?"
2. Philip replied, "It would take over a thousand dollars to buy enough to
give each of them a small portion."
3. Andrew said, "There is a little boy here with five barley rolls and a
couple sardines."
B. Jesus fed the multitude with the five rolls and two fish.
1. They could all eat as much as they wanted.
2. There were 12 baskets of fragments that were left over.
3. When the men saw the miracle they said, "This truly is the prophet that is
C. They were ready to crown Jesus King.
1. They were ready to grab their swords and follow Him to Jerusalem to
overthrow Rome.
2. Jesus had to slip away from them.
D. As night fell, they watched the disciples get into the boat without Jesus and head
toward Capernaum.
A. Jesus said, "You have only sought me because you ate the loaves and were filled."
B. Their reasons were material, not spiritual.
1. He said, "Don't spend your time seeking for meat that perishes."
2. But seek that meat that endures forever.
3. The spiritual is superior to the material!
C. Many attracted to Jesus today by wrong motives.
1. Many come because they want to be healed.
a. They really don't want Jesus.
b. They want healing.
2. Many come because they want their problems solved.
a. Their marriage is on the rocks.
b. They can't find work.
c. They need food.
D. Sometimes we are guilty of motivating people falsely.
1. Jesus will make you rich.
a. Before I met Jesus, I drove a Fiat, now I drive a Rolls.
2. We are prone to emphasize the physical benefits.
3. You may attract temporary followers.
E. Jesus did not want those attracted by false motives to be deceived.
1. He began to set before them the harsh realities of the Kingdom.
2. They must eat of Him the living bread.
3. He must become the center and source of my life.
4. It's the Spirit that counts.
5. The flesh profits nothing.
A. Understanding more clearly the true terms of discipleship, they turned back.
1. It isn't "indulge yourself, get in your Porsche and follow Me."
2. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me.
B. Jesus said to the twelve, "Will you go away?"
1. Where can we go?
2. We have had a taste of the eternal.