Book: John Print ( PC Only ) JOHN 3:16 I. "FOR GOD." A. Who is God? 1. To many just impersonal force. 2. The scriptural revelation. a. Creator and originator of all life. b. Sustainer and purpose of all creation. c. Infinate in Wisdom. Infinate in power. Infinate in duration. II. "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD." A. Consider the object of His love, the world. 1. The condition of the world (not as He created.. a. In rebellion against God (perishing.. b. Nothing within it to proke His love. 2. Love must be measured by the opposing forces it overcomes. B. You would think the opposite to be true. 1. Love would be originating in man. a. Man was the one to break fellowship. b. Man was one who stood to gain most by its reestablishment. III. "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD." A. Love is measured by its gifts. 1. "He gave His only begotten Son." 2. The price of redemption. IV. THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE OF HIS LOVE. A. "That man might possess eternal life." 1. The recognition of this life by young ruler. 2. "This life was in His Son." a. "He that hat the Son hath life." b. "But the gift of God is eternal life." B. That man might have fellowship restored. 1. If we say we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth. V. HOW HIS LIFE IS RECEIVED. A. "Who soever believeth in Him." 1. So simple a child can grasp. 2. So available all may come. 3. "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to they cross I cling." a. No price to pay. b. No intellectual level to attain. c. Simply believe. |