Book: John
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JOHN 1:11-13
A. To possess a new nature: "Now if any, man be in Christ he is a new creation; old
things. . ."
1. Born to my parents, I inherited natural characteristics and body features.
a. I received from them physical birth.
b. My dominant consciousness was of my body needs. The world should
move for me.
1. I would cry mainly from hunger, thirst, or the misery of a
wet diaper.
2. As Jesus said, the chief concern of the heathen is what
shall we eat, drink, wear.
2. Now, born of God, I inherit supernatural characteristics and spiritual
a. I have received from Him spiritual birth.
b. My dominant consciousness is of my spiritual needs.
1. I now hunger and thirst after righteousness.
2. I long for His touch on my life.
B. I have a new relationship to God.
1. I am related to my natural parents by birth.
a. This allotted me certain rights and privileges.
1. I could walk in the house without knocking.
2. I sat in my chair at the table.
3. I inherited my share of the family's fortune.
b. This also brought a certain responsibility.
1. I now represented the family whether good or bad.
2. I was the Smith's kid.
2. I am now related to God by my spiritual birth.
a. This also allots me glorious rights and privileges.
1. Immediate access to the Father.
2. My place at the Father's table.
3. My share of the Family's fortune.
b. The relationship also has its responsibilities.
1. I represent my family, I bear my Father's name.
A. First the negatives.
1. "Not of blood", that is, from natural family.
a. My parents being Christians did not make me a Christian.
b. My being a Christian does not make my children Christians.
2. "Nor of the will of the flesh."
a. I cannot live a spirit dominated life by just determining to do so.
b. I cannot shed my selfish nature by resolve.
3. "Nor of the will of man."
a. Someone else cannot determine this for me.
b. The husband cannot persuade, entice or nag his wife into this state.
4. This is how I was born naturally, of blood -- will of flesh, will of man.
B. I cannot possess that divine nature except by God.
C. I become a son of God by receiving Jesus.
1. "But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power..."
a. He is the one who gives me the authority or power.
b. He became what I was to make me what He is.
1. He came as the Son of Man to make me the son of God.
2. God made Him to be sin for us.
D. I become a son of God by believing on His name.
1. His name is Jesus -- Yashua -- Yahoshua.
2. "And given Him a name. . ."