Book: Luke
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LUKE 23:39-45
Intro: He acknowledges guilt and justice of condemnation. Have you taken this position before
God? Confessed your sin? He comprehended the kingship of Christ.
a. "When thou comest into thy kingdom."
Faith rested on written word. Head faith and heart faith.
Before a man can believe that Jesus is the Christ he must have testimony to
this fact. You can have head faith without being saved. You may believe Christ
the Son of God, that He died and rose and still be lost. Saving faith more
than correct opinions.
Humble faith, "Lord remember me."
Courageous faith - everyone else jeering. Cut himself off from favor of
companion and crowd.
D. Marvelous spiritual illumination.
1. God's future judgment "Dost thou not fear God."
2. Sight of own sinfulness "Thou art in the same condemnation and we justly so."
3. Bore record of Christ sinlessness. "This man has done nothing amiss" "I have
betrayed innocent blood' "I find no fault in Him."
"Have nothing to do with this just man."
4. Confessed His Godhead, "Lord remember me."
5. He believed Christ as savior. Heard Father forgive me and believed Lord save me.
6. Evidenced Christ Kingship "When thou comest to thy kingdom."
7. Looked forward to second coming of Christ "when thou comest."
E. Saviorhood of Christ.
1. He could have said, "You deserve your fate."
2. He said "He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
3. Took no notice of jeering crowds or of priest, but listened to cry of thief.
4. If dying savior could save how much more a triumphant risen savior.
F. Savior longing for fellowship.
1. "Today thou shalt be with me in paradise."
a. Might be today thou shalt be in paradise."
b. With Christ is sum of Christian blessings.
"Desire to depart to be with Christ."
"To be absent in the body present with the Lord."
Jesus came to save sinners and even in hour of extreme pain of death by crucifixion God gave
the firstfruit of the joy that was set before Him.