Book: Luke
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LUKE 15:3-31
Intro: In looking closely of parable one parable with three divisions. In each case something
is lost, the seeking, the finding, the rejoicing.
A. The work of the Son in salvation.
1. "For the Son of man came to seek and to save . . "
2. The searching through the wilderness for that which is lost.
a. That Judean wilderness not easy to walk through.
1. During the day very hot.
2. Night would be difficult because of steep canyons, thorny
3. We see Jesus coming into the wilderness of this our world to suffer as He
seeks to find the lost sheep.
B. Why such emphasis on one last lamb?
1. The shepherd knows the lamb is no match for the wilderness.
a. It has no defense against the beasts of prey.
b. It cannot smell out the water on its own.
c. If it is not found, it means sure death.
2. You are no match for this world, you cannot survive on your own.
C. The beautiful picture of the shepherd returning home with the Iamb over His
shoulders calling for rejoicing.
1. "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross."
A. The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation.
B. A coin has a potential for value.
1. Potential purchasing power.
2. It can buy goods for your needs.
C. A lost coin is of no value at all.
1. Out of circulation its whole purpose thwarted.
2. No value to itself or others.
D. The Holy Spirit seeks to bring us to our full potential.
1. As we yield our natural talents to Him, we discover our true worth.
2. He brings our lives into harmony with the symphony of heaven.
A. The Father's place in salvation.
1. The son's demand for his inheritance.
a. All that we have has come from Him.
1. The devil cannot create a world, not even a blade of grass.
b. I owe my very existence to Him.
c. The things I possess are really His things He has given me the
privilege to use.
B. How tragic to see the Father's resources wasted in riotous living.
1. Used for selfish purposes.
2. Spent in trying to satisfy my lusts.
3. When he spent everything he was still hungry.
a. A deep inner void you've been trying to fill.
b. You have spent your life seeking to find meaning, purpose,
4. He ended in pig pen.
a. There he sought to appease his appetites with the corn husks.
b. How many ultimately end up in the bars trying to fill the void
with, the contents of a bottle.
5. "He came to himself."
a. He made an honest inventory.
b. Some people live their entire lives in a delusion.
6. The decision to return home.
a. That which was lost is seeking.
b. I have no rights.
C. The Father's reception.
1. Running to meet him.
2. Restoration.
3. Celebration.