Book: Luke
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LUKE 9:59-56
Intro: The story of Christmas far more than a baby born in a manger in Bethlehem to a
virgin. That baby is the Son of God, He has always existed.
A. He was sent by God. "God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but that the
1. Here Jesus expressed essentially the same thing as expressed in our text.
2. His mission was not to destroy.
a. Man was doing an effective job at that.
b. Look at the way man continues to destroy.
1. It seems to he a part of his nature.
2. We see destructive traits in children.
c. Because of a snub, the disciples were ready to destroy the
Samaritan village.
1. Jesus at this very moment on final journey to Jerusalem in
His mission to save men.
a. He was to accomplish this by allowing man to follow
his natural bent of destroying the beautiful and
b. He said, "Destroy this temple (body)."
B. If Jesus came to save, we must assume that man was lost.
1. Look at the mess the world is in today.
a. Middle-east.
b. South-east Asia.
c. Africa.
d. Central and South America.
e. Mexico and the United States. Why is the world in such a mess?
2. If you don't think that man needs saving, just relax, don't get excited,
those friendly men in white jackets will be here soon.
a. A very wise friend told me one day, "It seems there are two kinds
of people, those who build and those who destroy."
1. What kind of a person are you?
a. Are you destroying yourself and those around you?
b. The campgrounds after you leave, are they in better
condition or worse?
c. When you move out of a house...
C. Has He failed in His mission?
1. A look at the world today would prompt an affirmative answer.
2. Mankind on brink of destroying himself
3. His program not yet established on a universal scale.
a. It will be, Jesus shall reign.
b. "God has put all things in subjection."
4. At the present time, He is working on an individual scale.
a. I have watched Him save thousands who were destroying themselves.
1. Some were destroying themselves with alcohol, others with
drugs, still other with their thirst for pleasure.
b. He is conscripting men on an individual basis for His Kingdom.
1. Imagine living in a world where there were no destroyers.
2. Where all men were builders.
3. Each person gave more than they took.
4. Left each place better than when they found it.
5. This is the destiny for those He has saved.