Book: Luke Print ( PC Only ) LUKE 6:46-49 "A SURE FOUNDATION" Intro: Every wise man seeks:to build a house. I am not sufficient to withstand the storms. I must rest in some creed or philosophy. I. WE SEE SOME VERY ELEGANT HOUSES TODAY, BUT WHAT ARE THEY BUILT UPON? RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS OF MAN. A. Good works. 1. Seeking to balance out my evil, by good works. 2. We warn people about going into that house. a. But it looks so beautiful. 1. They have such a great social program. 2. They are such good people. b. It looks so sturdy. 1. It shall never stand in the day of God's testing. B. Good thoughts. 1. Seeking to think only pleasant positive thoughts. "You are what you think." 2. Scripture mottos on the walls. They too build an appealing house. a. So many seeking shelter within it. b. It too shall fall in the day of storm. II. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RELIGION AND CHRISTIANITY. A. Most religious acknowledge Jesus Christ. 1. Some as a great prophet. 2. Some as a master phi losopher. 3. Someasagoodman. 4. Some as the Son of God. 5. Some even say Lord, Jesus. a. Here we discover great inconsistancy. 1. Lord is a title signifying relationship. Master-slave; King-subject. b. There are those who call Him Lord, yet they do not obey Him. B. Christianity is true submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 1. When we talk about Kingdom of God, He is King. 2. Christianity begins with the confession of Lordship. a. Romans 10:9, 10. b. It must be more than words, it must be in deeds. "Why call ye me Lord?" c. It must be more than deeds, Matthew 7:22 Have we not prophesied, cast out devils and done wonderful works. d. It must be in deeds and truth. 3. Is Jesus truly the Lord of your life? III. EXAMINE THE FOUNDATIONS OF YOUR HOUSE TODAY. A. This is all important for the day of Storm is coming. 1. The storms will come, you will be tested. a. No one is immune from them. b. Sickness, disappointment, sorrow, death. c. When these things come do you begin to crumble? 1. Jeremiah 12:5 if you have run with the footmen and become weary, how can you contend with the horses. B. Do you have more than a profession of Christ? 1. It isn't enough to talk about: a. Prayer. b. Love. c. Obedience. 2. "Be ye doers of the Word not hearers onIy deceiving yourselves." C. Your foundation must be true obedience to the Lordship of Christ. 1. No other foundation will endure. |