Book: Luke
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LUKE 1: 51
A. What did Jerusalem mean to Him?
1. 13:33 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets.
a. Hostile to Him.
1. He told His disciples He must go to Jerusalem, suffer many
b. Doomed 21:20, 24
c. He also saw as John the New Jerusalem.
2. The attitude of our Lord.
a. Paul in Phil. 2.
b. When did He humble Himself?
1. Born - baby.
2. 12 yrs. - lad.
3. When He left Mt. of Transfiguration.
B. Perfect humanity acting together with God.
A. Samaritans refused to accept Him. Sons of thunder wanted to send lightning.
1. Disciples in loyalty went to Samaritan village. In loyalty would destroy
Samaritans with fire.
2. Loyalty but out of harmony with Spirit of Christ.
3. Possible to be zealous for God in a Spirit, that puts us out of Promised
a. Kept Moses out of Promised Land. What did Jesus do? Went to
another village. Spirit of humility. Sheep to slaughter.
B. Three types of men attracted to Christ.
1. "I will follow thee."
2. What did Jesus say-- "foxes have holes."
To came after Him is to share in attitude towards world --the detachment
from all that prevents going to Jerusalem. Sad note? Jubilant. Nothing to
hold me back from my progress to Jerusalem. Don't pity Christ, pity
yourself. Detachment from everything, that prevents progress towards God's
C. Second man, Christ said, "follow me." "Suffer me first to bury my father."
1. What is meant. George Smith
2. Family tries holding him back. "Let dead bury..."
Jesus wanted this man immediately. Christ's call superior to highest and
most beautiful of human obligations.
D. "Suffer me to bid farewell."
1. Group the three and you see threefold demand.
Detachment from all that hinders progress, when highest earthly tie comes
in conflict between. Let dead bury... I am to go for His business to look
back is to be unworthy.
Observe everything He demanded, He was doing. First verse and last.