Book: Mark
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MARK 16: 1-4
Intro: As we look at these events we have the advantage of hindsight. We
see the cross from the opened tomb. But until the stone was rolled
from the tomb.
A. The triumph of evil over good.
1. This seems to be the pattern of history.
2. "The children of this world are wiser than the children
of light."
3. Actually the battle is quite unfair.
a. The good man would never stoop to the unfair
tactics used by the evil.
b. He would not lie or cheat to gain his point.
4. The evil men by lies and threats had triumphed and Jesus was
hanging on the cross.
B. The triumph of hatred over love.
1. These two (2. forces in constant conflict.
a. Hatred tears down.
b. Love builds up.
2. Jesus Christ was the embodiment of love.
a. It was love that brought Him to this world.
b. He taught a quality of love unknown by man.
1. A love that gives without thought of return.
c. He demonstrated that love.
3. But now that love lies dead on the cross crucified by the
hatred of man.
C. The end of hope. "The people that sat in darkness saw great
1. While the light was shining hope filled their hearts.
a. Hope for a world of peace.
b. Hope for a world of fairness.
c. Hope for a world of love.
2. Now the light has been extinguished the light of the world
hangs limp on the cross, and darkness covers the earth at
3. The disciples, heart broken and disillusioned, went home to a
dark, dismal, hopeless world.
A. Cross not a sign of defeat but victory.
1. There our sins were canceled out.
2. Life has conquered over death.
3. Light has vanquished darkness.
4. Love had triumphed over hatred.
B. The Easter message is a message of hope to a troubled, dying
C. Wellington Defeated.