Book: Mark![]() MARK 15:42-47 "A STONE AGAINST THE TOMB" Intro: Mans fall crime complete. I. WHAT LAY BEHIND THAT STONE? A. A dead concept of God. 1. "Show us the Father and it sufficeth us." a. "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father." b. Every man reveals his god by what he is. 1. Every man has a god. 2. He who hath seen Me hath seen my God. 2. What had Christ shown us of God? a. "We beheld His glory - full of grace and truth." b. Mercy and peace. Now that concept of God is dead it has been buried and they rolled a stone over the door of the tomb. B. An ideal of humanity. 1. That there was hope for man. 2. Man could find realization and fulfillment. C. Passion to redeem. 1. The Son of Man had come to "seek and to save." a. New to philosophy. b. They desired to create something new - inspiration of all art. They desired to know truth -inspiration of all philosophy. They desired to preserve the good -purpose of government. c. Mere is one who would take the defaced and make it beautiful. He would take the false and make it true To reach the bad and make it good. Man rejected this ideal- A stone. D. A Religion. Foundation. Structure. Finality. 1. Religion was founded in faith. 2. Structure built in love. 3. It climaxed in hope. Man rejected this religion. II. THE UGLINESS OF DEATH. A. His concept of God denied. 1. In His death neither grace or truth -mercy or justice. B. His ideal of humanity lay dead. 1. No hope. C. Passion to redeem hopeless. 1. Man not worthy of redemption. D. Religion was dead. 1. Foundation destroyed. 2. Structure denied. E. What did the tomb contain? Joseph of Arimathea asked for body. Gave him corpse. III. THE STONE ROLLED AWAY FROM THE DOOR OF THE TOMB. A. Concept of God received - stronger than death. B. Ideal of man can be attained. C. Redemption of man realized. D. Christian faith established. Why was the stone rolled back? The tomb is not a symbol of defeat but a testimony of victory. |