Book: Mark
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MARK 15: 42-47


Intro: The sun will soon set on the blackest day in the history of man.
       The most heinous crime has been committed, man has crucified the
       Son of God   First,  recorded sin suicide next fratracide,
       dieacide. It's all over now there plot was successful, their
       position is now secure, they may gloat, while Judas hangs himself.
       People will soon for-get this man and life can return to normal.
       The limp body of Jesus has been removed from the cross, tender
       hands of love em balmed the body while tears of bitter
       disappointment and sorrow flowed freely.. The body now prepared is
       laid in a rock hewn tomb and a great stone is rolled over the door
       of the sepulcher. This seems to be the tragic end of a beautiful
       story of love.

        A. A dead concept of God.
                1. Jesus came to reveal God to man. 
                        a. "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
                        b. True philosophy a man reveals his God.
                2. A God of love, mercy, grace and truth.
                3. Man had many false concepts of God.
                        a. Lustful - cruel - unfeeling.
                        b. Desiring to condemn and judge.
                4. He revealed a Holy God, patient, forgiving.
                5. But man would have nothing to do with this concept so
                   they nailed Him.
        B. A dead religion.
                1. Unlike other religions.
                        a. Man reaching for God.
                        b. Man doing penance for sin.
                        c. Man trying to be good enough to please.
                2. Religion based on love for God and man. Religion based
                   on personal relationship.
                3. Man did not desire this new religion.
        C. A dead desire to redeem. 
                1. Greek philosophy had concluded redemption impossible.
                        a. Once a man has gone bad, no salvaging.
                2. Jesus said "For the Son of man has come to seek and to
                   save that which was lost."
                3. He went about restoring the lost sight, hearing, lame,
                4. Man chose not to be saved, they nailed the would be
                   savior to a cross...
        D. A dead hope.
                1. Those sitting in darkness had seen a light, they began
                   to hope in promises of God.
                2. This hope bolstered day by day by the miracles.
                3. Some began to believe He was promised Messiah.
                4. Now hope was dashed.

        A. The concept of God is true.
                1. He has the power to give new life!
        B. The religion of love is born.
                1. "For God so loved the world.." now has new meaning.
        C. The redeemer is not dead but alive forevermore.
                1. "Wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost."
        D. A new hope is brought to all mankind.
                1. "Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
                   who hath begotten us unto a living hope..."
        On that first Easter morn they awoke early and discovered that
        Jesus their Lord was alive.