Book: Mark
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MARK 15:42-47
Intro: At 9:00 o'clock that morning they had nailed Jesus, King of the
Jews, on a cross.
A. A dead concept of God.
1. Philip - show us the Father.
2. "He that hath seen Me hath seen."
a. Every man reveals his God.
3. What did He show us of God?
a. "And we beheld His glory full of grace..."
b. Love for suffering humanity.
c. Peace and confidence.
4. Men rejected this concept of God.
B. A dead passion to redeem.
1. "For the Son of Man has come to seek."
a. Unheard of by philosophers.
2. Man was always looking for something new.
a. To create new beauty - inspiration of art.
b. To find new truth - inspiration of philosophy.
c. To preserve the good - inspiration of government.
3. Here Christ announces that He desires to
- take the bad and make it good.
- take the l and make it pure. And He went around
doing good
- touching the lives of poor suffering humanity and making
them whole.
C. A dead religion "Christ brought a new religion."
1. A religion must have:
foundation - faith in Christ.
structure - love.
finality - hope of eternal life in His Kingdom.
A. Men denied His concept of God.
1. There was no mercy and truth, no love or righteousness, in that
howling mob.
B. Men denied redemption.
1. That which is bad is bad.
2. No salvaging of humanity.
C. Men refused His religion.
1. No faith in Him.
2. No love.
3. No hope.
Within the tomb lay the dashed hopes of a few that had caught a
glimpse of glory.
1. Two (2. disciples on road to Emmaus -"We had hoped He
was the One who should redeem Israel."
For three days the pall of death hung over a lost, condemned,
hopeless world. The one ray of light had been extinguished. This
is where some end the story - maybe you. -"The stone was rolled
away" God is love, grace - truth. Jesus can redeem .
Christianity is established - more than a religion, a vital,
vibrant, life.