Book: Mark Print ( PC Only ) MARK 11:22 "HAVE FAITH IN GOD" I. WHAT IS FAITH? A. Substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. B. Jani says new call for Christians. C. Believing before you see. 1. Seeing is believing. 2. Faith says believing in seeing. II. EVERYONE HAS FAITH. A. Faith in men. 1. Banks. 2. Doctors. B. Faith in material things. 1. Came into Church this morning. 2. Got family into car. III. HAVE FAITH IN GOD. A. If you can have faith in man. B. Man will fail. 1. Banks can fail. C. God has never failed. 1. Sometimes faith receives supreme test. IV. HOW TO OBTAIN THIS FAITH IN GOD. A. Reading His Word. B. The more you study engineering the greater your faith is in it. C. Man on ice. |