Book: Mark Print ( PC Only ) MARK 10:23-27 "WHO CAN BE SAVED?" Intro: Rich young ruler has just departed. He lacked one thing, a true center for his life. I. HOW HARD IT IS FOR THOSE WHO TRUST IN RICHES TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. A. You don't have to be rich to trust in riches. 1. Many people put their trust in money. a. Ironic that engraved upon our money the phrase, "In God we trust." b. Probably more people who use it trust in money more than God. B. Time of economic depression can reveal a lot of truth. 1. Someone said, "It's easy to trust in God when you have a good job and money in the bank." 2. We can see just how much we do trust God. C. "Easier for camel to go through the eye of a needle." 1. Some say that He was referring to a small sub gate. a. Unload camel, push and pull. 2. Man has always liked to think that with some heroic action or arduous work. a. The rich young ruler had just asked, "What good thing shall I do?" b. Jesus in essence told him it is not so much in what you do, but in who you trust. 3. Context reveals that Jesus was referring to something impossible. a. If it was a sub-gate, it was too small to possibly get a camel through it. b. "With man it is impossible." II. "WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED?" A. Here was a young man that seemingly had everything going for him. 1. When Jesus flashed the law before him, he confessed his observance from youth. a. No rash boast. b. Jesus looked at him and loved him. 2. If keeping the law could save, then he would have been saved. Who? B. No one who is trusting in his own good works. 1. 1 care not how good a person you are; moral, honest, loving. 2. Are you perfect? 3. Then you are asking a perfect God to accept imperfection. a. If He accepts any imperfection, then He must accept all imperfection. Who? C. No one who is trusting in riches. 1. You can't buy your way into heaven. 2. Even had he sold all and given to the poor, that would not have done it until he came, took up his cross and followed Jesus. Who? D. "With man it is impossible." 1. If your hope for salvation is resting in anything you have done, you are on the wrong track. 2. It is impossible for man to be saved apart from God's work. III. "WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." A. Our only hope is to trust in God. 1. He is the God of the impossible. a. Some of you have been looking over your situation this week and you have concluded it's impossible. 1. That I can ever be well again. 2. That I can pay my debts. 3. That I can live a life in victory. b. These conclusions have been made because you have been looking at yourself, your resources, your record. Trusting in yourself. 2. Trust in God, with God "All things." |