Book: Mark
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MARK 10:21
A. Fine character - attitude - good Master.
1. Courage.
a. Rulers now openly against Jesus.
b. Had courage to come.
2. Humility.
a. He knelt.
b. The ruler before the peasant.
"One thing thou lackest."
B. He had a clean record.
1. No value in pollution.
2. Six laws (2nd table..
a. "Master, I have observed from my youth."
b. Not just empty boast.
c. Jesus looked on him and loved him.
(1. Not because he was guiltless.
(2. You may have broken all six.
(3. Jesus hated hypocrisy and lies.
"One thing thou lackest."
C. True aspirations.
1. His question "What must I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
a. "Age abiding life."
b. His wealth could not buy it.
c. His position could not bring it.
d. Conscious of infinite but unable to grasp it.
This cry of life is the cry of the lost off spring for God. "one
thing thou lackest."
A. Popular interpretation he lacked poverty.
1. No application to most of us.
B. Christ question at the beginning "Why callest thou me good?"
1. Either He was saying "I am no good" or "I am God."
C. His lack was submission to God.
1. Money was his central authority dominating.
D. Christ word was "One thing thou lackest ...come follow me"
1. You need to submit to God, follow me.
2. You need the true central authority, follow me.
3. You have never found your king, follow me.
E. How are we to follow?
1. Getting rid of anything that stands in the way.
A. Story ends with sadness yet full of suggestiveness.
1. He went away sad because he had great possessions-until
he comes face to face with life.
B. One of two things happened.
1. He sold out and followed or-
2. Story old? fresh as new year eastern - western
happened long ago - happening new Your soul sobbing
after life
Christ is saying go...come follow me.