Book: Mark
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MARK 9:33-36
A. Motivating force behind many men.
1. They will subject their bodies to torturous exercise routines
to become the...
a. Greatest runner.
b. Halfback.
c. Kicker.
d. Boxer. Ali's classic statement: "I'm the
2. The real motivating drive is for the glory and honor that comes
to the greatest.
a. The glory of the world is so short-lived.
1. Who was the M.V.P. of the '77 World
2. The '74 Superbowl?
b. Who won the Indy 500 in 73?
3. Some men spend their entire life training, sacrificing, denying
themselves, just to stand for a few minutes in the glory light.
a. Do you know a tragic truth?
b. Once you have stood there, it's empty.
B. As Jesus was walking with His disciples to Capernaum, they were
arguing with each other as to who would be the greatest.
1. This reveals how wrong their motives were, for following Jesus.
a. The Lord is so gracious, He just takes what He can get.
Imperfect man.
b. He then seeks to improve and develop that imperfect man
into an instrument.
2. Jesus said, "What were you arguing about back their on the
a. They were silent.
b. They were too embarrassed to tell Him.
c. Have you ever said things that should Jesus
ask, "What did you say?", you would be ashamed
to tell?
3. Jesus knew what the argument was about.
a. He knows what you say.
b. He knows what you do.
c. You can never hide from God.
4. How does He deal with their folly?
a. With patience and love.
b. He sits down and teaches them what true
greatness is and how to attain it.
A. True greatness is not to be found in the kingdom of man, but in
the Kingdom of God.
1. Greatness in man s kingdom is attained by the ambitious
through blood, sweat and tears.
a. Look at the price being paid by men who want to
be governor or senator.
b. It is like the flash of a sky rocket, it fades
so rapidly.
2. Greatness in God's Kingdom is given to those who
serve faithfully in humility.
a. "If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, learn to be
the servant of all."
b. "He that humbleth Himself shall be exalted, but He
that exalteth..."
c. Those who are great in God's Kingdom will shine as
stars forever.
3. Notice there was no rebuke for the desire to be great.
a. That desire to be, something planted there by
b. Their concept of how to achieve it was wrong.
1. Not attained through strife.
2. Reward to be given for faithful