Book: Mark Print ( PC Only ) MARK 6: 3O, 31 "THE SERVANTS OF GOD" Intro: When we think of the Apostles, the mighty miracles they wrought, super spiritual, special breed. I. THE SENDING FORTH OF THE TWELVE vs. 7-l3. A. He sent them out by two's. 1. Matt. gives us the pairings. a. Andrew and Peter. b. James and John. c. Philip and Bartholomew. d. Thomas and Matthew. e. James and Thaddaeus. f. Simon and Judas. 2. This was to give them courage. B. Their appointed mission. 1. To go to lost sheep of the house of Israel. 2. Preach the message of the kingdom. 3. Do the same works as the King. a. "Heal the sick, cleanse...etc." C. Their report back to Christ vs. 30,3l. 1. No details given of reports. a. No statistics number saved or healed. b. No written records. 2. Yet the Word of Christ was spread by them that the news of Jesus came to Herod. vs. 14. a. The name of Jesus was spread abroad. b. Not their names. II. THESE WERE THE MEN, WHAT WERE THEY LIKE? A. They were used by God for marvelous works. 1. They were His instruments used for a needy world. B. They were tired vs. 31. 1. Jesus looking at them could see the marks of strain. 2. The ministry became so heavy they didn't even have time to eat. a. People in need can be very demanding. b. When you love them, you can't stop from ministering to them. 3. They got in a boat for a 15 mile ride. a. Heading for a desert place of privacy. 1. When they arrived great crowd greeted them. a. At least 5,000 men plus women and children. b. Jesus moved with compassion ministered. c. They rested listening to Jesus. b. At evening they said to Jesus "send them away." 1. Jesus answered "feed them." 2. How? Take dollars out of the treasury and buy bread. a. Deplete stores supply. b. Plus how would we carry that many loaves. 3. How many loaves have you? a. We always try to figure out ways for the Lord. b. He's always ready to use what we have. c. The multitude was fed and 12 baskets left over. C. He commanded them to get in the ship and go to Bethsaida on the other side. 1. Toiling in rowing. a. because they were trying to obey Jesus. b. They could have turned and gone with the wind. c. Jesus had sent them into the face of the storm. 1. Word toiling "tormented." a. They were tormented in the path of obedience. 2. Jesus came to them. a. He saw their despair. b. About 3:00 in the morning walking on the water. D. They in fear cried out. 1. They were troubled. 2. They were amazed. Why? a. They considered not the miracle of the loaves. Why? 1. Their hearts were hardened dull, stupid. These were the men He sent out to represent Him. They were afraid, dull and stupid. Praise the Lord, I think I can go on a bit farther, He can use such as me. |