Book: Mark
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MARK 3:1-5
A. The keen insight His enemies had of Christ.
1. Even keener sometimes than His own disciples.
2. They knew that Christ would be interested in a man with
a withe .
a. He is always interested in the most needy
person in the room.
b. Sometimes weighted down by our needs we feel
surely the Lord is not interested in me.
1. I can understand His interest in the
Godly saintly throng.
3. They knew that Christ could never stand in the presence
of a blighted life without seeking to do something
about it.
B. It was the Sabbath day.
1. According to their traditions, it was unlawful to heal
on the Sabbath day.
a. How blinding and stultifying traditions can be.
b. How often they seek to hinder the work of God.
2. Jesus challenged their traditions.
a. Is it lawful to do evil or good?
(1. Never lawful to do evil.
(2. To have capacity to help and not to exercise it would be evil.
b. To save a life or kill?
1. Never lawful to kill
3. "He looked on them with anger."
a. This is a rare emotion for Christ.
b. It is never said of Him concerning a sinner.
c. Only of those who are so bound by tradition
that they would hinder Cod's work on this poor
blighted soul.
d. We must all seriously ask, "am I hindering the
work God wants to do by my traditions?"
A. He is willing to squarely face the issues.
1. He will challenge their traditions.
2. He does not leave them long to wonder what He will do.
A. Notice this was an impossible command.
1. At this point, the man has one of two options:
a. Argue with the command.
b. Give all the reasons why he can't.
c. Or obey the command.
2. At this point, let us imagine that you were in the
synagogue that Sabbath morning.
B. He found that when he chose to obey, all that was necessary was
given to him in that moment.
C. Jesus tonight wishes to face that withered area in your life
1. That ugly thing that has defeated you.
2. Stretch forth your hand.
The Holy Spirit will give to you all that you need to be free and
to be victorious.