Book: Mark
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MARK 3:1-5
Intro: Jesus had just declared Himself Lord of the Sabbath to the
Pharisees, He now enters the synagogue.
A. They watched Him to see if He would heal.
1. They instinctively connected Christ with the needy man.
2. His promise to be here today.
a. The neediest one here.
b. You with a withered area in your life.
c. You who today are being mastered by some sin or
blight in your life.
d. The physician is always more.
3. They were more concerned about a possible violation of
their tradition than of man's need.
a. It's a tragedy when our traditions take
precedence over people's needs.
1. Traditionally we dress up for church.
2. Traditionally we wear shoes.
b. Our business is to minister to needy men.
1. He may be wearing a business suit.
2. He may be wearing overalls.
B. He said to the man stand forth.
1. Jesus was ready for a show down.
2. They wondered, He didn't keep them wondering long.
3. "Is it lawful to do good or evil."
a. Jesus had the capacity to heal this man.
b. To be able to heal and to refuse because it
involves violating some tradition evil.
c. For us to refuse to minister to some needy
person because they do not meet our standard.
4. "He looked on them with anger."
a. This never said of an open sinner.
b. He looked with compassion upon them.
c. If you are sitting here today with pompous airs
the Master is looking at you.
d. If you are sitting here conscious of a great
need in your life the Master is calling you.
Let us leave the Pharisee now and return to
your needs.
A. He commanded the impossible.
1. That which you haven't been able to do, do it!
B. The man responded to the command.
1. He could have argued very easily.
a. I've tried that before and it didn't work.
b. He could have gone into a scientific
explanation showing impossibility.
2. He dared to try.
a. Setting past failures behind he would try once
b. He sent the message from the brain to the hand,
that same message that had been interrupted a
million times.
3. He willed to obey the impossible command.
C. "And his hand' was restored whole as the other."
1. When he dared to try, when he willed to obey the
command of Christ he discovered that all the forces
necessary to obey were there.
Notice Jesus did not ask man how his good hand was, how much he could do
with it, He went immediately to the problem, the area of weakness,
failure. He came to make the crooked paths straight to give beauty for
ashes. Abilities for disabilities He is speaking now to you. Be strong,
give it up, follow Me, stretch forth thy hand, open your eyes and see.
Dare to try.
Will to obey.