Book: Matthew Print ( PC Only ) MATTHEW 24: 44 "THE END OF THE WORLD" Intro: "The end of the world is near." We used to associate this warning with sandwich boards. Now it is being said by men with PhD's who have majored in Ecology. By men who are considered military experts, and by diplomats and analysts who study the world. I. THE QUESTION OF DISCIPLES. A. Prompted by Jesus prediction of the destruction of the Temple. 1. "Not one stone." 2. Amazing fulfillment. B. When shall these things be? What shall the sing of Thy coming? And of the end of the aionios. C. The rapture of the church is not at all in view here. 1. This address to nation Israel not to church. a. "Let them that be in Judea." b. "Pray your flight be not on the Sabbath day." 2. Those who fail to recognize God's eternal purposes with Israel, the restoration of the nation have prophesy all messed up. a. The disciples question concerning the end of age, which age? Jewish. b. If they constancy say "send for my booklet." "Read my pamphlet." "Read our books or magazines." Why? c. Read the Bible! II. THE SIGNS OF THE END. A. "Nation shall rise against nation," and kingdom. 1. Signifies worldwide state of war. 2. Famines 10,000 starved to death in China. 3. Pestilences. 4. Earthquakes. 5. "Many false prophets shall arise." a. How can I tell a false prophet? b. If they consistently say "send for my booklet," "Read my pamphlets," Read our books or magazines." Why? c. Read the Bible! 6. The gospel shall be preached vs. 14. 7. "The abomination of desolation." a. The image of the anti-Christ. 8. "For then shall be great tribulation," Elect here not church but Israel. III. THE NEW AGE VS. 30. A. Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man. 1. Mourn? 2. Gather His Elect. B. Parable of the Fig tree. C. Impossibility of knowing day or hour. D. Watch ye therefore and be ye ready. |