Book: Matthew
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Matthew 22:42

I. "What think ye of Christ, whose Son is He?"
        A. You have two choices. Son of man, or Son of God.
                1. Maybe Mary was lying, she had been cheating of Joseph.
                2. She knew the prophecy that a virgin was going to bring
                   forth a Son and call His name Immanuel.
                3. When she found out that she was pregnant, she decided
                   to cover her sin by saying she was the chosen virgin.
                4. It was a little tough at first to convince Joseph, but
                   he finally came around to believe her story.
                5. Or Mary was telling the truth and He is the Son of God.
        B. What difference does it make?
                1. The difference between spending eternity in heaven or
                2. The difference between having a hope of eternal life,
                   and having no hope for eternal life.
                3. If He is not the Son of God then we might as well close
                   down our school, our church, sell all the proceeds and
                   party, eat drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die.
                4. But before we buy the booze and balloons let us take a
                   closer look at this man Jesus who was called the
        C. One of His contemporaries wrote of Him and declared, He went
           about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the
           devil, for God was with Him.
                1. The gospels record many of the miracles that he did.
                        a. Besides healing the sick, He raised the dead.
                        b. He turned water into wine, He calmed the raging
                           storm with a command.
                        c. He walked on the water, and fed 5,000 men with
                           five loaves and two fish.
                2. He was crucified on a cross, but He rose from the dead
                   on the third day.
                        a. There were many eye witnesses of His
                        b. Our court system ascertains the facts by the
                           sworn testimony of witnesses.
                        c. If there is any validity to the judicial
                           system, then it must be concluded that Jesus
                           did indeed rise from the dead.
                3. Peter declares that he was an eye witness of the
                   sufferings and of His glory, but he said, We have the
                   more sure word of prophecy.

II. A look at the prophecies, and the law of compound probabilities.
        A. If I should start to make predictions you can determine the
           approximate chance that the prediction will be fulfilled.
                1. If I should say that the sun is going to rise shortly
                   after 7:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. And I gather all
                   of you out on the lawn to watch the sun rise, the
                   chances are that my prophecy will be fulfilled,
                   provided it is not a foggy day. That does not make me
                   a prophet.
                2. If I should say that the Sun will not rise tomorrow,
                   and the day stays dark, then you would begin to look
                   at me with wonder and respect.
                3. Several years ago I was watching a Rose Bowl game, and
                   U.S.C. was playing Ohio State. As U.S.C. came up to the
                   line of scrimmage on their own 18, I remarked aloud to
                   my friend, Anthony Davis around the left side, all the
                   way in one play.
                4. How compound probabilities works.
                        a. Let us assume that one man in ten is bald.
                        b. Let us assume that one man in ten is missing
                           his right thumb.
                        c. Let us assume that one man in ten is blind in
                           his right eye.
                        d. How many men would I need to find a bald headed
                           man who was missing his right thumb and was
                           blind in his right eye?
        B. Look at some of the three hundred prophecies concerning Jesus.
                1. Born in Bethlehem. What chances are there that a person
                   would be born in Bethlehem? About one in 280,000 at the
                   time of the birth of Christ. Today about one in
                        a. So how many men random selection of men would
                           you need to find a man born in Bethlehem.
                        b. If you should come up to me all glassy eyed and
                           say, Hey man, I am the Messiah. I ask you,
                           where were you born? and you answer, Irvine.
                2. Make His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.
                   How kings in history made their triumphant entry into
                   Jerusalem riding a donkey? One in ten.
                3. He would have a forerunner. I will send my messenger
                   before Him. one in ten
                4. Be wounded in His hands. one in ten
                5. Sold for thirty pieces of silver.  one in a thousand.
                6. The money would be used to buy a potters field. one in
                   100 thousand.
                7. He would not open His mouth to defend Himself. How many
                   in history do you know of who were falsely charged with
                   a capitol crime, did not seek to defend themselves?
                   one in 1000.
                8. They would pierce his hands and his feet. one in
        C. This brings us to a total of one in 2.8x10 to the 28th power.
           To simplify let us just say one to the 28th power. Subtract
           the 11 billion people who have lived since the prophecy and
           you have one to the 17th power. This many silver dollars would
           cover the state of Texas two feet thick.
        D. Take 16 predictions. one in 10 to the 45th power A silver ball
           of that if the earth was at the center the outside would be 30
           times as far as the earth is from the sun. Or somewhere near
           Neptune some 2,750,000,000 miles from here.
        E. 48 predictions. One in 10 to the 157th power. Cannot make ball
           of silver dollars. We need something smaller. Use electrons.
           2.5 quintillionth of an inch. Or 2.5x10 to the 15th power.
           To count a one inch line of electrons laid single file would
           take 19 million years counting day and night at the rate of
           250 a minute. What kind of pile would 10 to the 157th power of
           electrons make?
                1. Our universe is now estimated to be somewhere around 12
                   to 15 billion light years in radius. If we started
                   making giant balls of electrons with this supply we
                   could make them at the rate of 500 a minute for the
                   next 3,000,000,000 years and still have electrons left
                2. Mark one of the electrons.
        F. No wonder Peter said, "We have the more sure word of
                1. Jesus said, "I have told you before it came to pass,
                   that when it did come to pass, you might believe."
                2. God said to the people that they might know that He is
                   God, He was going to tell them of things that had not
                   yet happen so that when they did happen they might know
                   that He had spoken.
                3. What think ye of Christ, whose Son is He? Chances are
                   He is the Son of God.
        H. What are the implications? You had better believe in Him and
           receive eternal life. You are gambling with odds that you
           cannot afford by rejecting Him. It is your eternity that you
           are determining.