Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 19:16.22
A. "He was very rich."
1. It is a common fallacy to think that money would solve all my problems.
a. "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance."
b. "For the love of money is the root of all evil."
2. Wealth can be a blessing or a curse.
a. Some are bIessed with money while others are cursed with money.
b. Closest thing to omnipotence that we can possess. Also closest
thing to impotence.
c. It depends on whether it masters me or I master it.
B. He was a ruler.
1. He had attained to authority and power.
C. He was young.
1. So many do not achieve to wealth or power until they are too old to really
enjoy it.
D. He was moral.
1. When Jesus flashed on him the second table of law, our relationship to
a. "All these have I kept from my youth up."
b. Not an empty boast.
E. He had a gracious temperament.
1. His courteous address, "Good Master."
2. His kneeling before Jesus.
F. Jesus looked at him and loved him.
1. Those eyes that could pierce inside of a man.
A. More than just a quantity or duration.
1. A quality of life.
2. Age abiding life.
3. The life of God.
4. Look at the quality of life around you.
a. So much of it is so shallow, a sham.
B. With all be possessed, he was conscious that there was something more. He said,
"What lack I yet?"
1. There is a void in man that only God can fill.
a. Purchased learning toys for grandchildren.
1. Certain shape block to go in right slot - star, triangle,
circle, square.
2. How frustrated they would get because the star would rot
fit into the square.
3. How frustrated I would get.
b. How must God feel when he watches our futile efforts to fill the
void in our lives.
A. Poverty? No you are reading superficially.
B. "Why callest thou Me good?" There is one good, that is God.
1. What are Jews saying?
a. I am no good - or.
b. l am God.
c. What you have seen in me and recognized is: God.
C. If you would be complete, come and follow Me.
1. No man is complete without God, follow Me.
2. You need God at the center of your life, follow Me.
D. What about this selling all trip, and giving to the poor?
1. This is incidental, Jesus just put the finger on what was keeping this
young man from following Him.
2. It may or may not be riches in your life.
3. The Lord will put the finger on whatever it is.
4. What holds you back today?
E. What happened to him?