Book: Matthew
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Intro: The first recorded words of Jesus when 12 years old. "Know ye not that I must be about
My Father's business?" The divine must is still seen as He speaks of Jerusalem.
A. "Come unto me alI ye that labor & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest.
1. What motivates a man to come unto Christ.
a. The weariness of the heavy load of sin.
b. The desire for peace.
B. Any man may come, not all will stay.
1. When some hear the requirements they shall back away.
2. Thousands of young men would like the glory of an Olympic gold medal, few
will endure the pain of training in order to obtain.
A. Deny self.
1. This is contrary to human nature.
a. Peter was expressing natural ways of men when he said "be that far
from thee."
b. Jesus was speaking how He must suffer & be killed.
2. This is not self denial.
a. It isn't mine to determine what things I shall give up.
b. It isn't mine to choose to suffer.
c. I deny myself the right to choose.
3. This is total commitment.
4. What will God take from me? I would like to be a Christian, but I don't
want to give up chewing gum.
a. God will only remove those things which if you continue in them
will destroy you anyhow.
b. I see some who are denying themselves all the blessings of God's
eternal love while they tightly cling to some earthly vice
(catching monkeys).
5. We must submit to His lordship.
B. "Take up His Cross."
1. Jesus had just been speaking about His own cross. Peter in speaking "the
things of men."
2. Our cross not apt to be the same as His.
a. I would say that Billy Graham's cross was his fame.
b. Your cross may be your wealth.
3. The cross is the acceptance of whatever comes; I have denied myself &
submitted to His will .
C. "Follow Me."
1. We are to follow His example.
a. "I do always those things that please Him."
b. If the Father says crucifixion then for the joy beyond I face
2. The life of Jesus was the perfect ideal.
a. A life in total harmony with God.
b. This is living in the largest dimension.
3. To follow you must trust & obey.
A. If you seek to save your life you will only lose it.
1. Those things you are striving for, should you attain them, you are going to
leave them.
2. Succeed in your own ambitions; the end is still disappointment .
B. "What will it profit you if you gain the whole world & lose your own soul?"
1. This may not be your ambition.
2. I don't want the whole world just a good chunk.
C. "What will you give in exchange for your soul?"
1. What are you giving.
2. Satan the Indian trader holding out his shinning beads.