Book: Matthew
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A. A far cry from the prosperity heresy.
1. This heresy devised by evangelists who are seeking to justify their lavish
2. God wants His children to have luxurious homes.
a. A man came to Jesus; "I will follow thee."
3. The more expensive a car, the greater the faith.
B. Jesus made no appeal to the flesh life.
1. He didn't promise worldly riches.
2. He didn't promise an easy path.
C. He did not give specifics.
1. He is talking about the self life.
2. Many seek to be specific today.
a. Anything that detracts from your walk with Him.
3. Jesus will not be coregent with you.
a. You must step down from the throne.
b. You cannot serve two masters.
c. Jesus demands mastery over your life.
D. The folly of monkeys.
E. The wisdom of muskrats.
A. What is meant?
1. I hear so often, "Well I guess this is my cross I have to bear."
2. With Jesus, the cross was full surrender to the will of God.
a. Prayer in garden: "Let this cup pass - nevertheless not My will but
thine be done."
3. With us the same.
a. Taking up your cross is submitting your life fully to God.
B. God has a plan for each of our lives.
1. He has a ministry for you.
2. The only reason why He leaves you here is to do His will.
A. His example.
1. "I came, not to do My will..."
2. "I do always those things..."
3. Christ has left for us an example.
B. His teaching.
1. Living after your flesh is a living death.
2. Live for eternity.
3. Always keep the eternal in view.
C. Hard to follow if you don't keep your eyes on Him.
D. Blessing to follow Jesus.
1. Enrico Caruso.
2. Abraham Lincoln.
3. Hitler raised swastika.
4. Stalin raised hammer and sickle.
5. Jesus raises the cross.