Book: Matthew Print ( PC Only ) MATTHEW 16:21- 24 "DISCERNING THE VOICE OF GOD" I. PETER'S FIRST DECLARATION. A. Jesus had asked the disciples a question. B. Peter s answer. C. Jesus observation of Peter's answer. 1. A revelation from God. 2. How did it come. 3. Peter obviously unconscious of its origin. a. God works in natural ways. b. So many looking for spectacular. D. You might say that Christ first mission was accomplished, now He speaks of second mission. II. JESUS NEW REVELATIONS TO HIS DISCIPLES. A. Must go to Jerusalem. 1. The first recorded words of Jesus "I must be about My father's business." B. Peter's rebuke of Christ (took Him aside.. 1. Tears in his voice - see battered body. 2. He chided Him. 3. Spare thyself. 4. Love prompted Peter's rebuke. a. Love is not always right. b. Love that is soft and fears suffering wrong. 1. Mother with little girl bitten by rabid dog. C. Jesus rebuke of Peter. 1. "Get thee behind Me Satan thou art a stumbling block." Skandalon - rock of offense. 2. Jesus had heard this suggestion once before. III. WHAT WAS PETER'S PROBLEM? A. Could not discern what was from God and what was from Satan. 1. Very possible to speak God's word in one breath and in the very next speak the lies of Satan. a. "They have some truths there." b. They are the most dangerous kind. B. The difficulty of discernment. 1. With Peter both ideas seemed to be from same source. a. "It just came into my mind." b. That God will put His thoughts into my mind in a thrilling thing. c. That Satan can plant his thoughts is terrifying. IV. HOW TO DISCERN THE DIFFERENCE. A. How does it line up with the written word? 1. Jesus had said - He must. 2. Peter contradicting His word said you musn't. B. Areas that are not specifically covered by the word. 1. Doesn't it exalt me or Christ. |