Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 14:28 - 33
Intro: Heb. literary form polysyndeton.
A. Some have accused Peter of presumption, but Jesus said, "Come" and He never
encouraged presumption.
B. "And Peter answered Him, Lord if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the water."
1. Begins with "and " something preceded.
2. Join Peter in his peril.
a. He expressed desire for fellowship in a way that was humanly
b. The mood of his soul was an exhalted one.
c. The request was in obedience to Christ command "be of good
courage." Let me be courageous, let me conquer these forces that
terrorized me.
d. These experiences do come, but not often.
C. And He said "Come."
1. Christ invited Peter to do the impossible.
2. In the exhalted condition of his soul the impossible was possible. More
than invitation to walk on water.
3. When Jesus said "Come" He knew that Peter would soon be floundering in
water, yet He said "Come."
a. It was a call to the discovery of weakness in which Peter was
unaware, in order that he might discover the power of Christ.
D. The great adventure, "Peter went down from the boat and walked upon the water to
come to Jesus."
1. Not foolhardy impulse
2. Did not step out and immediately go down
3. His soul exhalted, his faith answered the challenge of Christ, be of good
courage and Peter walked on the water.
4. Whatever follows cannot undo the fact that Peter's faith had allowed him to
do the impossible.
A. "He saw the wind."
1. This was the assault of sense.
2. The sensual and spiritual always close always antagonistic.
a. One must reign and whichever reigns masters the other.
3. While Peter walking on water his soul is suddenly assaulted by his senses.
B. "He was afraid."
1. Faith and fear also close and also antagonistic.
a. Where faith reigns fear has no place.
C. "And beginning to sink," immediate physical expression 6£ the spiritual experience
of the lack faith.
D. A sad experience but not the final one.
A. Another venture of faith "Lord save me," I going down, but you still stand.
1. Mood of soul different, sense of defeat.
2. Not flow. asking for high adventure or that he might do anything, but that
Christ would do everything.
B. "And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and took him."
1. This was first.
2. Next the rebuke of love revealing reason for failure.
"O thou of little faith, why did you doubt?"
a. Little faith one word in Greek, trans. Petty fidelity.
b. "Why did you doubt?" duplicate.
3. Jesus did not rebuke Peter until He had rescued him.
4. Peter now once again walked upon the water this time sustained by Christ.
C. Where did Jesus take Peter? Back to the boat the common place the ordinary.
1. The high places of faith, have their value, but they are given mainly to
help us in the common place.
My spiritual ecstasies of little value unless they can be translated into my everyday life.