MATTHEW 12: 41
A. Their calls to repentance not many.
1. Many unbelievers have been warned many times.
2. Nineveh had just one prophet, not the greatest or most affectionate.
3. Nineveh heard that prophet only once monotonous message in open air.
4. Nineveh had heard no word of good tidings only law.
B. The message of the prophet was not encouraging.
1. He gave no promise of pardon.
2. He did not even mention repentance thus offered no hope.
3. He foretold crushing and final doom.
4. Yet, out of the dreadful message the people made a gospel and acted on it
to find deliverance.
C. The prophet himself was no help, Jonah was not a loving tender pastor anxious to
gather lost sheep.
1. He disliked his job.
2. He uttered no words of love or hope.
3. He was even angry when city was spared.
D. The hope for the Ninevites was slender. "Who can tell."
1. No revelation of true character of God.
2. They knew nothing of the atoning sacrifice.
3. No invitation to seek the Lord.
4. No invitation to repent even.
5. Their hope based on negative argument.
a. Nothing was said against repenting.
b. They could be no worse off for repenting.
6. Well might these men rise in judgment.