Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 11:27.30
Intro: In promising rest for your soul, Jesus offers something that no other religion can give.
Religions start men in a quest for their souls. Seekers, inquirers, searchers. Rest
comes in knowing God, your restlessness is Godlessness. No man knows the Father unless
the Son reveals Him. "Come unto Me."
A. Your burden is the master passion of your life.
1. Many men have not named it, it sometimes lies in realms of sub- conscious.
2. The driving force, the aim or goal, the reason or motive. The thing that
causes you to get up each morning and start a new day.
B. Jesus said, "My burden is light." What was His burden?
1. First recorded statement of Jesus, "Know ye not that I must be about My
2. Through His life, we hear Him saying.
a. "I do always those things that please the Father."
b. "I came to do the will of Him who sent Me," and to finish His
c. "I delight to do Thy will God."
d. One of the last words on cross, "It is finished."
3. Beautiful harmony through life.
4. He said, "My burden is light."
a. Some of you have said, "I would like to be a Christian, but I don't
know if I could handle the heavy load."
b. Jesus is saying it is easier to please God than man.
c. Much easier to please God than yourself.
C. Let's look at your burden today.
1. I am living for money. I desire wealth. All my thinking and planning.
2. I have a desire for fame, the applause, I want to be known
3. I live for pleasure, I like excitement, the taste of a new thrill.
4. I want ease and quietness.
D. None of these are true burden, only yoke. What is burden?
1. What do you want money for? To buy things for who? Me.
2. Who do you want fame for? Myself.
3. Who are you trying to bring pleasure to?
4. Yourself is your burden and you can never be satisfied.
E. Jesus divides all men into one of two camps.
1. Those whose burdens are heavy.
2. Those whose burden is light.
3. If you are living for yourself, you are carrying a burden that will crush
you as you attempt to carry it.
A. You need to know God .. come unto Me.
B. You need the direction of your life changed.
C. You need a center, a new axis .. come unto Me.
D. You need a new master passion, purpose, reason.
E. "And you shall find rest for your souls."
1. The heavy burden, gone .
2. The frustrations and anxieties, gone.
3. The restlessness, gone.
F. Take My yoke upon you.
1. Let me take the reins of your life and guide you now in My work.
The answer to your life lies in knowing God, come unto Me.