Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 11: 25 - 30


Time & Setting: 6 mo. before end disciples sent out.
                        35 sets of two - glorious reports.

        A. Two invitations.
                1. Come.
                2. Take.
        B. Two sorts of people.
                1. Those who are laboring.
                2. Those who have come into rest.
        C. Many have answered first invitation.

        A. Surrender of one,  mastery by another one Nations conquered in way. Romans when
           they conquered. My yoke.
        B. Higher meaning than surrendering force. Surrender with free consent for a great
        C. Surrender is law of life.
                1. Military life.
                2. Naval life on board ship.
                3. Public & political life.
                4. Commercial life.
        D. Free surrender  TAKE.
                1. He will not force ..wants it to be voluntary.

Ill. MY.
        A. I would not take your yoke upon me.
                1. Woman was ardent Christian "I am persuaded."

        A. On a farm yoke means service.
                1. Cattle yoked to service.
        B. Jesus has every man's life planned.
                1. I know you, been thinking about you -  I love you.
        C. Two loops to a yoke.
                1. Not working for God now working with Him.
        D. Old farmer in testimony meeting - Keeping in step:
                A. Free Lancing .. helping God out.
                B. When cattle yoked, they yoke old restive beast with young eager one. Yoked
                   with Jesus,  pulling steady, together Here as on farm yoke carefully
                   adjusted so young learner will have easier pulling.

Learn of me:
        A. Law of Hebrew slavery.
                1. 40th Psalm prophetic "My ears hast thou opened, or pierced for me."
                        Isa, 1 :4.6 The Lord hath opened my ear, neither was I rebellious.
                2. Jesus was a surrendered man! 
                        Notes of John.
        War with Spain.
        American man of war.
        Auctioning old violin in London.