Book: Matthew
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Matthew 7:24-27                Building on the Sand
Intro. In verse 13 Jesus speaks of the two gates and the two paths.
           There is the straight gate with a narrow path, and the wide
           gate with the broad path. The broad path leads to destruction
           and the other to life. The broad way is well traveled by the
           majority of the people, few walk the narrow way. Make sure you
           are on the right path.

I. Looks can be deceiving.
        A. False prophets cannot always be discerned by their looks.
                1. Sometimes they can. If they have gold chains around
                   their necks, diamonds on their pinkies, and they are
                   driving a Rolls Royce you have cause to be suspicious.
                   Or if they have a cigar in their mouth, dark glasses,
                   and a full length fur coat and spend a lot of time at
                   Del Mar you have to be some kind of fool to support
                2. For the most part, a false prophet looks like a lamb,
                   he comes in sheep's clothing, but inwardly he is a
                   ravening wolf.
                3. The two houses in our parable no doubt looked alike
                   from the outward appearance.
                        a. They were both in the same neighborhood,
                           subjected to the same conditions.
                        b. Yet one withstood the storms, while the other
                           was carried away.
        B. Nor can they always be discerned by their words.
                1. Much or most of what a false prophet says is true.
                        a. Otherwise they would not get any hearing from
                           the people.
                        b. If someone is only spouting off far out weird
                           concepts, you do not pay any attention to them.
                2. In the second illustration Jesus said that not all who
                   say Lord, Lord, are going to enter into the kingdom of
                        a. You are not going to enter into if you do not
                           say Lord to Jesus Christ, but not all who say
                           it will enter.
                        b. In the day of judgment many will say, Lord,
                           Lord, and will be refused entry, the Lord will
                           profess to them that He never knew them.
        C. You cannot always tell by the works.
                1. The false prophets usually do great works. That is
                   often the chief aspect of their religion. By their
                   works they are seeking an entrance into the kingdom of
                2. Sometimes the works are rather spectacular, "Lord did
                   we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out
                   devils and did many wonderful works.
                3. Both men in our story were occupied in building their
                   houses. Both of them putting up their walls, both
                   putting on the roofs.

II. How can you know that you are on the right path? How can you know if
        your house can withstand the storms that are to come?
        A. You say, I guess I will just have to wait for the storms and
           then I will find out.
                1. Wrong, then is no time to learn that you have built
                   your house on a worthless foundation.
                2. You do not want to wait till you get to the end of the
                   road to find out that you have been your whole life on
                   the wrong path.
                3. You do not want to wait till you get to the gate of
                   heaven to find that it is barred to your entry.
                4. You do not want to wait till the wolf devours you to
                   find out that the sheep's clothing was all just a sham.
        B. Every house begins with a foundation. The strength of the whole
           structure is dependent upon the foundation. The important thing
           is to examine the foundations for your hope of eternal life.
                1. Luke's gospel tells us that the one man dug deep and
                   laid his foundation on the Rock.
                2. Paul said to the Corinthians, "No other foundation can
                   a man lay than that which is laid, and that is Jesus
                   Christ." "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other
                   ground is sinking sand."
        C. What is the foundation for your hope of eternal life?
                1. Membership in a church?
                2. The fact that you were baptized?
                3. The fact that you are busy in the work of the church?
                4. Your support of the church?
                5. You can do all these things and be lost.
                6. The church's programs or activities is not solid
                   foundation on which to depend your hopes for eternal
                7. There is only one that can save you, and that is Jesus
                   Christ. You must allow Him to become the Lord of your

III. What is the true touchstone of those who are going to enter the
     kingdom of heaven?
        A. Jesus said the true test of the prophet was the fruit that came
           forth from his life and ministry.
                1. What kind of fruit is his ministry producing?
                2. What kind of fruit do you see in his personal life?
        B. Jesus said that not all who said Lord, Lord, but those that did
           the will of the Father.
                1. Again, look at the fruit of your life, not what you are
                   saying, but what you are doing.
                2. Are you doing the will of the Father?
                3. Many have the talk, but few have the real walk.
                4. James warns us that if we are a hearer of the word and
                   not a doer of the word, we deceive ourselves.
                5. Jesus has just finished the great discourse that is
                   known as the sermon on the mount. He has declared the
                   principals by which the child of God should live.
                        a. Our proper attitude toward ourselves. He uses
                           phrases like, poor in spirit, words like,
                             meek, merciful, peacemakers.
                        b. Our place and mission in the world. He speaks
                           of salt and light.
                        c. Our attitude toward the law. It is not the
                           letter of the law, but the spirit of the law
                           that matters.
                        d. Our attitude in our righteous deeds. To examine
                           our motives in our giving, praying, and
                        e. Our attitude towards our possessions. Where am
                           I seeking to lay up my treasures?
                        f. Our dependency upon our heavenly Father. He
                           takes care of His creation, and surely He will
                           take care of you.
                        g. Our attitude toward others in judging them. We
                           are setting the standards by which we will be
                6. In these things He has been telling us what the will of
                   the Father is for our lives. The truly important thing
                   is not what I am professing, but what am I doing? Am I
                   doing the will of the Father?
        C. In the parable of the two houses the wise man was likened unto
           the man that heard His sayings and did them. The sayings of
           Jesus are the word of God. So that the strong foundation on
           which to build your house is the word of God, not just the
           hearing of it, but the doing of it.
        D. The foolish man was likened unto the man that heard the
           sayings, perhaps said amen to them, agreed with them, assented
           to them, maybe even preached them, but did not do them.

IV. One day we are all going to get to the end of the path of life that
    we have taken.
        A. Some will find life, and others will find destruction.
        B. Some will enter into the kingdom of heaven, others will be
           denied entrance, He never knew them.
        C. The day of judgment is coming for all.
                1. Some will find their whole life swept away, those who
                   have built on sand.
                2. Others will stand, those who have built on the solid