Book: Matthew Print ( PC Only ) MATTHEW 7: 24 - 27 I. THIRD WARNING. A. Beware of false prophets. 1. Deceived by appearances (sheep's clothing., Gibeon. B. Beware of false professions. 1. Not alI who say, "Lord, Lord." a. Neg., anyone who does not say, "Lord, Lord." 2. Deceived because we can say the right things. C. Beware of false foundations. II. THE SIMILARITIES OF THE TWO. A. Both had desire to build. B. Both interested in same thing. 1. Built in same locality. 2. Subjected to same storms. III. THE DIFFERENCES OF THE TWO. A. Not obvious. 1. Just looking at appearances from outside not know which is weak. B. If you say the storm first reveals difference wrong. 1. Difference was revealed at very beginning. C. Luke 6, wise man digged deep and laid foundation. 1. Foolish man did not dig. a. In a hurry. b. Did not seek instruction. c. Did not lay solid foundation. "How firm a foundation." IV. WHAT IT MEANS TO BUILD ON SAND. A. Much of it in social gospel. 1. Those who deny scriptures. 2. Those who deny deity of Christ. B. "Let us examine ourselves." 1. What is my attitude toward sound doctrine. 2. What is my attitude toward Sermon on the Mount. a. Do I ignore part? 1. Second mile. 2. Treasures in heaven. 3. Praying to Father in secret. V. WHAT IT IS TO BUILD ON THE ROCK A. Christ is that rock. 1. Obedience to Him the foundation. B. Repeated warnings against false professions not backed up by obedience. 1. "Many will say, Lord, Lord." 2. "Why wilIest thou me, Lord?" 3. "He that hath my commandments and keepeth them." VI. OUR LIVES SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO THE STORMS. A. The rains descended. 1. Losses or disappointments. 2. Christian life not all roses. B. The floods came, "When the enemy comes in like a flood." 1. He attacks with Viscious onslaughts. 2. He attacks with subtlety. a. Bar front door. C. The winds blow winds of adversity. 1. No credit to your experience if you smile and are radiant in fair weather. |