Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 7:21.27
Intro: Jesus has finished setting forth the principles for those who would live in His Kingdom.
Now He exhorts to action.
I. Obedience is the true test.
A. Many respond verbally. "Lord, Lord."
1. "Not everyone that says Lord, Lord."
2. Many pick up quickly the spiritual jargon.
a. They begin to say, "Bless God", or PTL.
b. Elisha's servant Gahazi, "As the Lord liveth."
3. Jesus' parable of man with two sons.
4. It is more important to do the right things than to say the right things.
a. We must do the right things in the right way.
b. These persons spoke to Jesus of what they had done. Preached in His
name; cast out devils, wonderful works
c. Many of the cults point to their wonderful works.
d. What motivates me to preach?
1. "Take heed that you do not your..."
2. Do I let my light shine in such a way that it brings me
B. There is more than just hearing the truth.
1. I often hear, and even consent, I respond Amen, that's right.
a. Someone says to me, "You need to lose some weight." Amen.
b. But until I start eating less calories or burning off more
calories, it will never happen.
1. I may even desire and long for the results.
2. Nothing will happen until I do.
2. The book of James tells us, "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only."
a. By hearing only you can get a distorted concept of the truth.
3. Jesus said to hear and not do is like a foolish man building his house on
a. From all appearances it looks good.
1. It looks like his neighbors sitting beside him in the same
a. They both sang the hymns.
b. They both gave in the offering.
c. They both bowed their heads for prayer.
d. They both read the scriptures.
2. Yet, in the great storm coming next month, it is to be
destroyed and swept away.
b. He consented to the truth, but did not do the truth.
c. Surrounded by four walls and a roof over your head you can feel so
cozy and secure.
1. It is a false sense of security.
2. Because I come to church and listen attentively and read my
Bible regularly, I can feel cozy and secure.
3. If I am not obeying the scripture and putting it into
practice, it is a false security.
4. Paul said, "Let a man examine himself, for if we judge ourselves, we will
not be judged by God."
a. Go back over these sayings of Jesus.
1. The beatitudes, do they describe my true attitudes or my
2. How does my light shine?
3. Am I trusting Christ completely for my righteous standing
before God?
4. What are my true motives for giving, praying, fasting?
5. Where is my treasure?
6. Do I worry or do I trust the Father?
7. Am I guilty of judging others?
8. Am I doing for others?