Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 7:15, 16
Intro: "Enter the straight gate" is emphasis of chapter. From verse 13 on, He warns of
hindrances, dangers. Gospel is not something, just to listen to or agree with, it must
be practiced.
A. Standing outside of the straight gate.
1. They would persuade you not to enter.
B. Who are these false prophets?
Two 1. Those who teach heresy.
views: 2. Those who are hypocrites.
3. Note sheep's clothing (creep in unawares).
a. You never imagine he is such.
b. You can't tell by what he says.
c. Does not arouse suspicion by words.
C. How can we tell them?
1. By fruits ye shall know them.
D. What is wrong with their teaching?
1. No narrow way, no straight gate.
2. What they don't say is what's dangerous.
a. They dote on the "love of God."
b. They talk and sentimentalize about cross.
c. Comforting message.
3. False prophet of Old Testament.
a. "They have healed the hurt of the people slightly saying peace,
peace, when there is no peace."
4. Almost total absence of doctrine in teaching.
a. Does not speak of holiness, righteousness, justice, or judgment of
b. Does not speak of sin as such, to conceal truth as reprehensible as
c. To speak only of mercy and never of wrath.
d. Never speak of final judgment and eternal destiny of lost.
1. Paul preached to Felix and Drusilla of righteousness,
temperance and judgment to come.
e. No expiatory aspect of atonement.
1. Talks of death.
2. What is his view of the death.
a. Only salvation from sin.
f. Easy salvation easy way of life, no sacrifice, no straight gate,
no narrow way, no self examination .
g. Reason behind weakness of church today. Condemns doctrinal
A. Lest we become false prophets.
1. Heard foul mouthed man, horrible profanity.
2. If you are saying, "Our Father."
B. You are more guilty of profanity than they.