Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 6: 31 - 34
A. Many demands made upon your time and energies.
1. By your friends.
2. By your job.
3. By your family.
4. By your flesh.
B. Without priorities established it is possible to spend so much time in unnecessary
things you do not have time for necessary things.
1. We see people so caught up in material things no time for spiritual.
2. The most important things in life often neglected.
C. It is impossible to achieve worthwhile goals without establishing priorities.
1. We see so many wasted lives.
2. Running fast, going nowhere.
3. So busy, yet accomplishing nothing.
A. Determine what the most important things in your life really are.
1. My relationship to God.
a. How much thought or time do I give to this?
b. What ratio of my time is devoted to this?
B. We must be careful of distracting interests.
1. So easy to get engrossed in a movie on.
a. Hardly anything emptier than the felling you have when program over
and you realize you wasted three hours on the dumb flick.
2. God has allotted you 42,792,000 minute. If you waste one you can never
regain it.
C. I watch people seeking to establish relationships with other people.
1. I see the effort they make.
a. Call them for lunch.
b. Drop by on occasion.
c. Plan outings.
d. Send gifts.
2. What have you done to develop your relationship with God?
A. What shall we eat, drink, wear.
1. People spend hours in these pursuits.
2. Billions of dollars are spent annually.
3. How temporal are these joys.
4. How unsatisfying are their fruits.
B. But seek ye first.
1. The kingdom of God.
a. Your relationship with Him.
b. Be more concerned with heavenly treasure.
2. His righteousness.
a. We desire to appear righteous before men.
1. We are often two persons, one in public, in private.
2. The ideal the real.
b. Know I stand in His presence continually.
c. All these things will be added.