Book: Matthew
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Intro: John tells us concerning Jesus, "All things were made by Him." It is no wonder then
that He drew so many, of His examples from nature. "Behold the fowls..."
A. In the context not to worry about our food supply.
1. Worry is one of the most useless and non-productive pastimes you can engage
2. Jesus has just told His disciples not to worry about their food or clothes.
3. He uses the birds to show why not to worry about your food.
a. They do not plant or harvest crops, yet your heavenly Father feeds
b. Notice your heavenly Father.
1. Your relationship to God is much greater than theirs.
2. They are His creation, you are His children.
3. If God takes care of His creation, how much more will He
take care of His children.
4. Your heavenly Father will certainly see that you are fed.
B. We can learn the creative genius of God.
1. The marvelous aerodynamic engineering manifested in their design.
a. The Duck Hawk and the Eagle attain speeds to 180 miles per hour in
their dives.
b. The common swifts of Europe fly 60-70 MPH and in short bursts up to
100 MPH.
c. Geese fly over the Himalayas 29,000 feet high.
d. Ducks taking off and landing.
e. Some also have hydro-dynamic design. The loon can out swim a fish
and can chase and catch them under water. The can dive to a depth
of 160.
2. God has also equipped them with marvelous navigational ability.
a. Bob-o-links summer in Canada winter in Brazil They fly in flocks at
night. In one night they cross from Jamaica to S.A. 500 miles over
b. Arctic Terns leave Arctic in August and fly to Antarctica and
return to the Arctic in June, round trip of 22,000.
c. My favorite - the Golden Plover.
C. Next time you are worried about what you are going to eat. go outside and watch the
1. Observe their habits.
2. Listen to their songs.
3. Watch them in flight.
4. Then know.
a. The God who created them is your heavenly Father.
b. He is interested in them and watches over them to see that they are
c. You are far more valuable to Him than they.
d. He is watching over you and will see that you are fed.
5. The net effect is that you are getting your mind off of worldly things and
on God.
6. You will notice the bird is not passive in its eating habits.