Book: Matthew
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Intro: We are to use everything we have - talents, gifts, possessions that we lay up treasures
in heaven.
A. Worldliness usually is certain particular things of which we are not guilty.
1. Worldliness is an attitude toward life.
B. 1st reason natural.
1. Reasons against treasure on earth.
a. "Moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and
1. Element of decay in all things.
a. They never fully satisfy.
b. We tend to tire of them. Fashings change, "new."
c. II Peter 1:4 "Corruption that is in the world."
d. They inevitably perish. Beautiful flower.
b. Thieves.
1. Illness.
2. Business failure.
3. Stock market crash.
4. Death.
2. Reasons for treasure in heaven.
a. Treasure safe, God is keeping it.
1. 1 Peter 1:4 "To an inheritance incorruptible and
b. No impurities.
C. 2nd reason spiritual.
1. Where treasure is heart will be also.
2. Verse 24, No man can serve two masters.
Why do men seem to get more cynical as they get older. Why does noble outlet begin to go.
Victims of treasure on earth. Single eye, two ways of looking at things, single purpose.
The blurring of vision by love of earthly treasures effects us morally. How clever we are in
explaining why what we are doing is not dishonest. If a man rob a born robber.
They effect heart, mind, will. It ultimately effect our relationship to God. "Hold one and
despise the other."
The man who thinks he is godly just because he uses religious phraseology and attends church.
Occasionally, but is really buying for earthly things. How great is that man's darkness.
Why do you serve?
Story of farmer with twin calves. It is always the Lord's calf that dies. Short on finances,
what is the first thing that is cut out? Tithes.