Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 6:5-15
Chapter begins with warning "take heed..."
A. The assumption is you will pray.
1. Prayer is a privilege.
a. Some look upon it as part of Christian works.
b. Think of it, you can talk with God.
2. Prayer is greatest outlet of spiritual power.. 5 outlets:
a. Your life.
b. Your words.
c. Your service.
d. Your money.
e. Prayer.
3. Prayer takes three.
a. Worship.
b. Petition.
c. Intercession.
B. Neg. Be not as the hypocrites are.
1. More interested in what man thinks than what God thinks of prayer.
2. Don't use vain repetition.
a. Why? Your Father knows your needs.
C. "The privacy of prayer "Go into your closet."
1. There is a place for public prayer.
a. "If any two of you shall agree."
b. "Early church in Acts 4."
2. There are those needs so deep, so personal.
D. The reward of prayer "The Father that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
A. "Our Father" relationship.
1. Relationship essential.
a. "Thy Father," "Your Father."
2. If He is not your Father then you should address Him as Almighty God, or
Eternal God.
3. He becomes your Father when you become His son.
a. Sonship only possible through Jesus Christ
"But as many as received Him (Jesus Christ) to them gave He
the power to become the.."
"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us
that we..."
B. "Hallowed by thy name."
1. The part of praise or worship in prayer.
C. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."
a. Intercession.
b. "Seek first the Kingdom of God..."
D. "Give us this day..."
1. Petition.
a. It is not wrong to ask for personal needs.