Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 6: 5-8
Intro: "Take Heed" Not just exposure of Pharisee. "Exposing effects of sin on human soul
especially in form of self and pride."
A. Follows us even into the presence of God.
1. Not something that attacks when far away from God.
2. Follow to gates of heaven.
a. Actually began in heaven.
B. Too many think of sin only in terms of action.
1. This is to fail to understand.
2. Sin is a disposition.
a. A state of heart.
3. Sin is self worship and self adulation.
a. It fools into presence of God and even when we think we are
worshipping God, sometimes just worshipping self.
4. Sin is so polluting that even when you are angered in the highest form of
spiritual activity you must battle it.
5. We think of sin in rags and gutters.
6. See some great saint on knees.
7. Shows absolute need of new birth.
A. The approach is wrong.
1. Attention on the one praying not on the one to whom prayer being offered.
2. "When thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites."
a. Reason for praying on street corners.
1. Desires to impress, that he is such a devout soul cannot
even wait to get to temple to pray.
B. "Use not vain repetitions."
1. Two faults:
a. My interest more on self than God.
b. I think the efficacy of my prayer depends on length or manner of
2. Interest on self.
a. Anxious to be known as man of prayer.
b. This will take second step in actual desire to be seen in prayer by
1. IlIus: Commentator on Sermon on the Mount.
c. I am going to pray in secret.
1. Do it in such a way that everyone knows what you're doing.
2. Man climbing mountain.
d. Some pray more for effect on people than on God.
1. "I question whether prayers should ever be beautiful."
3. Concentration on form or length.
a. Prayer wheels and bends.
1. Set time for prayer good and bad. If primary concern to
pray at certain time, and not pray, routine lose temper if
2. We know that the great saints spent much time in prayer so
we think if we spend much time we'll be great saints.
A. Realize we are approaching God.
1. Process of exclusion.
a. Some fancy, this prohibitive of public prayer meetings,
"I pray in secret."
2. Shut out and forget other people.
3. Shut out and forget yourself.
4. Enter into presence of God.
5. Pulpit praying, "I am not praying to people but to God."
6. When I shut the door of closet and I still am thinking of myself, priding
myself that I am a man of prayer, I might as well be standing on street
B. Exclusion the realization.
1. We are in presence of God, realize who and what God is.
2. Prayeth to thy Father, realize relationship in Christ.
C. Must have confidence. Need child-like faith.