Book: Matthew
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MATTHEW 5: 29, 30
A. Many thing.
1. Lord teaching sin matter of heart.
2. Objectors say as long as we have eyes led to sin.
a. Christ asking impossible.
b. Trouble not so much with heart, but fact that they can see.
3. Lord ridiculing because He said right eye, still have left.
4. Actually to live holy life, both eyes, both hands, etc.
B. Lord teaching horrible nature of sin, the terrible danger in which it involves us,
and the necessity of getting rid of it.
1. If the most precious thing you have is causing you to sin, get rid of it.
2. His way of emphasizing holiness and the dangers that confront us if we sin.
A. Realize its nature and consequences.
1. Sin and not sins is our concern.
a. You can do nothing wrong and still be sinful.
b. Something that leads to actions.
2. Palm Sunday.
a. On way to Jerusalem.
b. Your sin caused him to sweat drops of blood.
c. Your in caused him to suffer and die.
B. Importance of the soul and its destiny.
1. "It is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not
that thy whole body be cast into hell."
2. The things may be good, right and profitable, but if they lead us to sin,
must get rid.
3. Our misuse of things - wrong emphasis.
4. Nothing must be allowed to come between you and your soul's eternity.
C. We must hate sin and do all we can to destroy it in ourselves.
1. "Ye that love the Lord, hate evil."
D. The ideal is to have a clean and pure heart.
1. "Blessed are the pure in heart."
2. Our standards must always be positive.
3. Never think of holiness in terms of nots.
4. Have a heart that never knows bitterness, envy, jealousy, hate or spite.
E. The importance of the mortification of sin. "Cut it off."
1. Romans 8:13, 14.
2. Never feed the flesh.
3. Deliberately restrain the flesh.