Book: Matthew
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Intro: Review entire sermon Description of citizens of Kingdom of God. Function and purpose
of Christian is world. The relationship of such a person to the law. Chap. 5: 21- end.
True teaching of the law vs. Pharisee.
Chap. 6: True service to God vs. Pharisee.
Chap. 7: How the true righteous person views himself and others.
A. Six contrasting statements.
1. vs. 21.
2. vs. 27.
3. vs. 3I.
4. vs. 33.
5. vs. 38.
6. vs. 43.
B. The formula Christ used. "Ye have heard that it was said by them."
1. Reference to teaching of scribes and Pharisees.
a. Emphasis on tradition.
b. Always quoting fathers.
2. Protestant reformation brought scriptures in languages of the people.
a. When Jews returned from last captivity they spoke Aramaic.
"But I say unto you."
3. He sets His word up as authority.
C. What Christ said.
1. Let's banish the thought that Christ set up new law or code of ethics.
2. Christ again describing behavior of followers.
a. His concern was with principles not detailed examples
b. If we turn His illustrations into law then we deny that which He
came to do.
c. Much easier to live under law. Security.
1. The natural man likes to be given a definite list of do's
and don'ts then he feels secure.
2. Easier to deny something during lent for 6 weeks then apply
principle day by day.
1. It is the spirit of the law that matters-not the letter.
a. Law of murder.
b. The fact that you do not commit adultery in a physical sense does n mean
you are innocent. What is your spirit?
2. Conformity to the law must not be thought of in terms of actions only.
a. Thoughts, motives, desires equally important.
b. God is concerned with what leads to action.
c. Scribes and Pharisees concerned with act of murder.
"Ye are they which do justify yourselves before men but God knoweth
your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed before men is an
abomination in the sight of God."
3. The law is not to be thought of in negative only.
a. Not to prevent us from doing wrong only, but to lead us to positive
actions of righteousness.
b. Some who think as long as I don't smoke, drink, go to dances or shows, I
am alright. Doesn't seem to matter if you are jealous, critical
tale-bearer, etc..
4. Purpose of Gospel is not to bind but to liberate.
5. Law and ethics not end in themselves.
Has God been supreme in my life today? Have I lived for His glory? Has Christ been magnified
through me today?