Book: Matthew
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Not so much description as what is likely to result because the Christian is what we have seen
him to be.
Follows peacemaker, it is because he is a peacemaker, he is persecuted.
Same promise as first started and finished with kingdom of heaven.
Jews false notion of kingdom.
Misinterpreted and misapplied - "For righteousness sake," "Thank you Lord."
Persecution in world today.
Not blessed because persecuted for being: objectionable, difficult, lacking in wisdom and
Some suffer entirely from own folly. Fanatical, over-zealous, can lead to persecution.
The way they say their amen or hallelujah, not sign of spirituality.
Suffer - busy bodies in other man's matters. I Pet. 4:15.
Not persecuted for a cause. Martyr spirit.
Religious, political views.
Christian faith as such, not anti -Communism, Concerned for souls of communist as well as
anyone else.
Not being good, noble, self-sacrificing.
What does righteousness mean?
- Being like Christ.
- "If the world hate you, know it hated me."
- If ye were of the world. John 15:18-20.
"Yea all that live godly shall suffer persecution." II Tim. 3:12.
Are you suffering persecution?
Abel - David - Elijah - Jeremiah - Daniel.
By whom are they persecuted?
Church herself - religious people.
Why righteous and not noble?
Noble we feel are like us at our best. "I am capable of that." Righteous different.
If we are admired and applauded by unbelievers Woe unto you if all men speak well of you.