Book: Malachi![]() MALACHI 1:2 I. "I D YOU, SAITH THE LORD." A. "For God so loved the world He gave..." 1. God's love unfathomable. Rom. 8: 35. 2. Unsearchable riches of love. Eph. 3:17. B. His love manifested by: 1. Our calling. a. Why should God allow you to hear? 2. Our salvation. a. Provision made for our sins. 3. Our present position. a. Sons of God. 4. Our future reign. a. Preserving our needs etc. 5. Preserving of our lives. a. Supplying our needs etc. II. WHEREIN HAST THOU LOVED US? A. Love questioned. 1. When trials oppress us sorely. a. Financial problems. b. Physical sufferings. 2. When we see prosperity of ungodly. 3. Under extreme pressure from Satan. III. HAVE WE THE RIGHT QUESTION? |