Book: Zechariah Print ( PC Only ) ZECHARIAH 14: 9 "THE COMING KING" Intro: Last week we considered prophesy relating to the first coming of Christ. This week we want to consider a few that relate to 2nd coming I. VERSE 4 -- "HE SHALL STAND IN THAT DAY ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES." A. The Mt. is going to split in the middle forming a new valley. 1. New underground water resources will be tapped forming a large new river. a. Half the river will flow to the Mediterranean. b. Other half to Dead Sea. 1. Waters of Dead Sea healed. B. East Gate will be opened and He will enter Jerusalem by the way of the East Gate. II. "AND JEHOVAH SHALL BE KING OVER ALL THE EARTH" Jehovah Tsidkenu. A. At His first coming He was despised and rejected. 1. The Messiah was cut off without receiving the kingdom. 2. He was known then as "Yashua." B. At second coming, "Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess." 1. As He restores the earth, you will see the earth as God intended. 2. As He reigns you will see men living 'together as He intended. C. "In that day one "Yaweh" and His name one. 1. Today there are two major kingdoms, forces, or governments at work in the Universe. a. God's kingdom of light and life. b. Satan's kingdom of death and darkness. 2. In the beginning only one God's kingdom. Whole universe in harmony. a. One of God's creatures rebelled and second kingdom formed. 1. This kingdom antithesis of first. 2. These kingdoms mutually exclusive, you can't submit to both. "You cannot serve God and mammon." b. Man was created in harmony with God. 1. Beautiful fellowship and communion. 2. Man was a spiritual creature. c. Satan the rebelling angel came into this utopia. 1. Through guise and lies he enticed Eve to become aware of her body appetites, to allow them to rule her mind. 2. She in turn introduced Adam to body awareness. 3. By disobedience, they walked away from God's kingdom. 4. Man is never in a vacuum, to walk out is to walk in to something else. Ill. CONFLICTS TODAY RESULT FROM TWO FORCES. A. My flesh still lusts against my spirit. 1. The warfare has not ceased. 2. I must daily reckon my old nature dead. B. In the world we can see the conflict of opposing ideals. C. How glorious to have one king, one Yaweh, or God ruling over all. |