Book: Zechariah
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Intro: Man has tried many forms of government. Each system has its flaws.
       Our democratic form has become so bulky and expensive it's becoming
       increasingly more difficult to support it. A monarchy is the most
       efficient form.

        A. They began as a theocracy.
                        1. Moses in touch with God led the people.
                        2. People conscious that God was ruler.
        B. Period of Judges.
                1. Basically same system, God ruling through an appointed
                   man. No dynastics established.
                2. During this period attempt to make Gideon king.
        C. The people finally insisted upon a monarchy.
                1. God viewed it as a rejection of His rulership.
                2. There was a deterioration of the monarchs.
                3. The nation finally fell to Babylon.
        D. The nation had been without a king for a hundred years when
           Zechariah wrote this promise.
                1. During this time nation ruled in part by high priest.
                2. This was to continue for 500 more years, before
                   prophesy was  fulfilled.
                3. The people were again looking for a king.

        A. Potential of greatness, but depends on monarch.
        B. If monarch bad, it could be horrible.
                1. Monarchs were not always fair.
                        a. They had their favored set so others had to
                        b. They could rule with wrong motives.
                        c. "He is lust."
                2. The monarch could be ruled by self interest.
                        a. History has countless stories of such.
                        b. Their primary concern is their own lukery, they
                           care little for the people they rule.
                        c. The results were disastrous for the common
                        d. The people became slaves.
                        e. Having salvation.
                3. Monarchs were often arrogant and proud.
                        a. They would not admit to a mistake thus the
                           people would have to suffer intolerably.
                        b. They had no concern for the people's feelings.
                        c. "Lowly."
        C. What ideal traits for a king.
                1. Just.
                2. Having salvation.
                3. Lowly.

        A. This promised king came.
                1. The events of Palm Sunday.
                2. The religious rulers conspired to kill Him.
                        a. He was a threat to every corrupt system.
                        b. Jesus is a threat to every corrupt system.
                        c. When any man or system tries to get rid of
                           Jesus Christ you can be certain they are
                           corrupt. Their corruption is threatened by
        B. The rejected King established a spiritual Kingdom.
                1. Though the nation rejected Him as their king, many
                   individuals bowed their knee before Him.
                2. He established His throne in the hearts of man.
                        a. No longer ruled by cruel tyrant of my own lust.
                        b. No longer ruled by selfish ambitions.
                3. His reign is just, free, lowly.
                4. World not seen the last of Him.
        C. He shall come again in power and great glory.
                1. Rule the nations.
                2. Destroy all the opposition.
                3. Those who desire to live in love and peace in a
                   righteous kingdom shall live and reign with Him on this