Book: Micah
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Micah 7:18,19                         Who Is A God Like Thee
Intro. The previous chapter began with the controversy God had with
           Israel. God asked them to prefer their charges against Him,
           what had He done that they should so turn against Him. He had
           showed them what was good, and what He required of them. To do
           justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with their God. But
           they were cheating each other, deceitful, liars, filled with
           violence. They were worshipping other gods. For these things
           God was going to punish them. The present chapter begins with a
           woe for the good men had perished out of the land, it was as
           though the most corrupt men had gained power and control. There
           had come a break-down of the family unit, and his only hope was
           in the Lord.

I. Who is a God like Thee?
        A. That pardons iniquity.
                1. This is unheard of in the gods of the pagans.
                        a. They for the most part are vengeful, utterly
                           destroying those who curry their disfavor.
                        b. Even the pagan gods of love are selfish and
                                1. Narcissus
                                2. Eros
                                3. Aphrodite
                        c. This is because when men make gods they make
                           them like themselves.
                                1. It is not our nature to pardon.
                                2. We want to get even.
                2. Isaiah had declared concerning God.
ISA 55:7    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his
                  thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will
                  have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will
                  abundantly pardon.
        B. That passes over the transgression of the remnant of His
                1. Throughout the Bible there is a reference to the
                   faithful remnant.
                2. There has always been those who remained true to God in
                   the midst of the corrupt society. Those who held out
                   for righteousness and purity.
                3. If your heart is truly toward God, it does not mean
                   that you are perfect. You desire to be perfect, the
                   spirit is willing.
                4. You are the person David is referring to when he said,
                   "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute
                5. The prophet Balaam said concerning God's looking at
                   Israel. "He had not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither
                   hath He seen perverseness in Israel."
        C. He doesn't remain angry forever.
                1. There are times when it appears that God might be
                2. When have to describe the actions of God with human
                3. When God judges it would seem that He is angry.
                4. He judges only to root out the evil, that He might
                   preserve the good.
        D. He delights in mercy.
                1. The psalmist tell us.
PSA 103:8   The LORD [is] merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
                plenteous in mercy.
PSA 145:8   The LORD [is] gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger,
                and of great mercy.
                2. God delights in showing mercy, he told Ezekiel
EZE 33:11   Say unto them, [As] I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no
                pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked
                turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your
                evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
        E. He will have compassion upon us. He is a compassionate loving
                1. We have already shown how the pagan gods of love are
                   sensual and selfish.
                2. The love that God has for us is a            . "For God
                   so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."
                3. There are a lot of things that pass for love in our
                   world today, but they are not true love.
                        a. There is a weak syrupy kind of gushing that
                            passes itself off as love.
                        b. There is the sex act. "Let's make love." This
                           can be a high expression of love in marriage,
                           but for the most part today, has no
                           relationship with true love but is impure lust.
                4. Love is one of the chief characteristics of God. "God
                   is love."
        F. He will subdue our iniquities.
                1. We are not able to conquer our own lusts.
                2. We are not able to free ourselves from the power that
                   holds over our lives.
                3. The scripture speaks of the         of corruption.
                4. What I cannot do for myself, God will do for me.
                        a. I can offer to you myriads of testimonies of
                           those who were bound by habits that were
                           destroying their lives, testimonies of people
                           who found the power of God to subdue their
                        b. We have several people here who at one time
                           were alcoholics but are now set free from the
                           destructive power of that addiction. They have
                           been pardoned, their lives restored as God has
                           broken the chains that once bound them.
                5. Who is a God that can set a man free whose life has
                   become imprisoned by his passions?
                6. He will conquer those things that have been conquering
                   your life. "Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed."
                7. Paul tells of his call to the ministry by Jesus to
                   bring people from darkness to light, from the power of
                   Satan to God.
                8. There is only one thing that is stronger than the hold
                   that Satan has on your life, and that is the power of
                        a. People struggle for years trying to free
                           themselves from the habits that are destroying
                           their lives.
                        b. They buy into a multitude of programs that
                           promise them help.
                        c. Only Jesus Christ can set you truly free.
        G. He will cast all our sins in the depths of the sea.
                1. I trust that He has buried mine in the Marinanna trench
                   off of the Philippines for that is about 6 miles deep.
                2. The Bible speaks of separating our transgressions from
                   us as far as the east is from the west. Ps.103:12

II. He is the God I desire to serve.
        A. He is the kind of God I need.
                1. Pardoning
                2. Passing over my weaknesses
                3. Withholding His anger
                4. Merciful
                5. Compassionate
                6. Conquering the power of sin
                7. Casting my sin in the depths of the sea.
        B. He is the God you need too.