Book: Jonah
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JONAH 2: 8
A. He thought he could run from God.
1. He ran to Joppa.
a. Opposite direction from where God had called
2. He caught a ship to Tarshish.
a. God followed him on the sea and sent a great
3. He asked to be tossed overboard.
a. He thought he could escape God by drowning.
b. But God sent a great fish.
4. He sat for three days in the fish waiting to die.
a. It was hot and miserable.
b. Sea weed wrapped around his head.
c. Liquids kept sloshing over him.
d. He finally gave in after 3 days and prayed.
5. How many times you thought you could run from God.
a. This is a lying vanity, you can't run from God,
and His call on your life.
B. He thought he could hide from God.
1. Chapter 1:3 declares he was seeking to escape from the
presence of God by going to Tarshish.
a. In Ps. 139, David speaks of the impossibility
of escaping God's presence.
b. Paul said, "For in Him we live and move..."
2. How many times have you tried to hide from God.
a. This is also a lying vanity.
3. He thought he could fight God's will and win.
C. He thought he would be better off fighting God's will for his
1. To obey meant personal discomfort.
2. It seemed what God was asking him to do was too hard.
3. Better to fight against God than to yield.
4. Some of you have chosen to fight against God, thinking
you can advantage yourself.
a. This also is a lying vanity.
A. They make it hard on themselves.
1. You may run as fast and as far as you can. When you
arrive exhausted, feet blistered, muscles aching,
you'll find God waiting for you.
2. All you have done is hurt yourself, you haven escaped
3. If you try to hide in the most remote Galaxy in the
a. You've expended time and energy.
b. You'll find that God is there.
4. If you try to fight against God's will for your life,
you are only hurting yourself.
a. Fight against this block wall.
B. They hold back the good God has for their lives.
1. To run from God is to run from your own good.
a. He loves you and wants to bless you.
2. To fight against God is to fight against your own good.
Evolution - Purpose
Existentialism - Absolutes