Book: Jonah
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JONAH 2:7-10
A. I remembered the Lord.
1. Up to this time he purposely:
a. Drove Him from mind.
b. Hiked 40 miles.
c. Slept in storm.
d. Disregarded sailors' prayers.
B. My prayer came unto Thee.
1. Many people wait until no other avenues of escape to
a. God in love lets them get there.
b. He does not deliver beforehand.
1. Refining Silver.
2. Deliverance any sooner would be too
soon. He will keep you under discipline
until He sees His image reflected in
your life.
2. Prayer as a last resort is better than no prayer at
a. Manifestation of God's grace is His patience.
C. He received true prospective.
1. "They that observe lying vanities."
a. Deceitful.
b. Sin is a lying vanity.
1. He thought to escape God.
2. He thought to better his lot.
3. He thought to live independently of
2. Forsake their own mercy.
a. To run from God is to run from your own good.
b. To forsake God is to forsake your own
D. He renewed his vows.
1. Offered sacrifice of praise.
a. Even before deliverance.
2. I will pay that which I have vowed.
E. He received the revelation.
1. Salvation is of the Lord.
a. Not of works.
b. Not of our own doing.
2. A gift of God.
a. God is aggressor.
b. We have not sought Him, but He, us.
1. Planned the way. (predeterminate
2. Provided the way. sent His Son.
3. Reveals the way... by the Spirit and
the Word.