Book: Jonah
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A. When? VS. 1:17.
1. The stubbornness of Jonah.
a. Determined to sit it out.
2. VS. 7 - "When my soul fainted within me."
a. Gave up hope of anything else.
b. Ready to pass out.
c. God brought him to place of surrender.
d. The more stubborn you are, the harder it is on
e. What is it going to take to bring you to your
B. Why did he pray?
1. Vs. 2 "I cried by reason of my affliction."
a. Driven to prayer by adversity.
b. God loves you so much and desires to hear from
you so greatly, that He sometimes allows
hardship just so He can hear from you.
2. Vs. "I remembered the Lord."
a. God Vs always there.
1. We don't always remember that.
2. Jacob upon awakening from dream.
C. How did he pray? vs.?
1. He started by praising the Lord. "I will sacrifice with
the voice of thanksgiving."
a. Imagine conditions.
2. He vowed and promised to keep it.
a. God get me out of this mess and I will go to
3. He acknowledged God as his only hope.
"Salvation is of the Lord." He's the only one who
can help now.
D. The results of his prayer.
1. VS. 2 "And He heard me."
a. In Micah this week: "My God heareth my
b. Marvelous mystery - God hears me when I talk to
c. Did not say He answers my prayers.
1. Thank God He does not answer all.
2. If He should say to Me: from now on,
Chuck, I am going to answer all of your
prayers... My first prayer would be:
"Please don't, you answer only as you
know best."
2. The fish deposited Jonah on dry land. Vs. l0.
A. The lying vanities he observed.
1. I can shut God out of my life.
2. I can run from the call of God.
3. I can forget God.
4. I don't need God.
B. We forsake our own mercies.
1. God's way is the best way, even if to us it does not
seem to be.
2. He realized he was in this whole horrible mess because
he thought he could run from God.
3. He did not need to be struggling there.
4. We make it hard on ourselves.
5. When you run, you are running from your own good.
C. Remember the Lord.
1. He loves you.
2. His calling will lead you to the highest and best.
3. His desire is no;t to strip but to add to You.
4. Many observe this lying vanity: "I would like to come
to Jesus Christ but I don't want to give up my present
a. You are forsaking your own mercy, for you need
not give up a thing.