Book: Luke
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LUKE 24:32
Intro: One of the greatest needs in the church today is men with burning hearts. Our
theology seems to be well defined, we know what we believe and why. The church seems
like a smooth running organization. They have learned the fine art of money raising
techniques. Why must the church use gimmicks to raise funds. The people have lost
their enthusiasm; the fire.
A. A love for their Lord.
1. Their hearts were broken and shattered.
2. Jesus referred to their obvious sadness.
3. They spoke of Jesus with fondness.
B. They still believed in Him.
1. Perhaps no longer as the Son of God.
2. "They called Him a prophet, mighty in deed and word before God and man."
a. They had forgotten His own prophesies.
1. He told them how He had to be killed, but the third day He
would rise.
2. He told them if they destroyed His Temple, He would rebuild
it in three days.
3. He told them of Jonah.
b. They acknowledged that this was the third day.
A. An understanding of the words of Jesus.
1. Because He didn't do things the way they expected and wanted, they were
2. How often we make this same mistake.
a. We feel the Lord should do things for us a certain way.
b. When He doesn't, we begin to lose faith.
B. They lacked hope: "We had hoped that He would redeem Israel."
1. How dismal things become when hope is gone.
C. They lacked a clear vision of Jesus. "Their eyes were holden."
1. How blind is the doubting heart.
a. The answer can be standing right next to you, but you can't see it.
D. They lacked the fire burning in their heart.
1. They had lost their enthusiasm.
2. How desperately the church needs that enthusiasm for Jesus Christ today.
A. To rekindle the fire in their hearts.
1. Without hope and enthusiasm, life can be weary and drab.
B. How did He light the fire?
1. By teaching them the Word of God.
a. Beginning with Moses, He went through all the scriptures that
referred to Him.
2. When did their hearts begin to burn?
a. While He was talking with them and opening up the scriptures.
C. Has your heart grown cold? Has your enthusiasm for the Lord cooled?
1. How long since your heart really burned with passion for Him?
2. You may talk of the past days of the small chapel or the tent.
a. What about today?
D. How to restore the burning heart.
1. Not by talking about it to each other.
2. Not by trying to find a place where the fire is burning.
a. So many running around after experience.
b. There are many
artificial fires.
3. Let the Lord open up the scriptures to your heart.
a. Get alone with Him and in the Word.