Book: Luke
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LUKE 23: 34
Intro: In I Peter 1:18, "We are not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold from
our vain manner of life, but with the precious blood of Jesus who was slain as a Iamb
without spot or blemish." Here in Luke's gospel, we read the account of God's lamb
being slain to provide our redemption."
A. To redeem us with gold or silver, meaningless.
1. He at a word could create a Universe of Gold
2. Also true of any rare gem or substance.
B. It cost the life of His only begotten Son.
1. There are those who declare God has many Sons.
a. "Beloved now are we the sons of God..."
2. Only one Son the pre-existed with Him from the beginning. "That which was
from the beginning with God..." In the beginning was the Word..."
3. Only one Son who can say, I and the Father are one." If you have seen Me
you have seen the Father."
4. Only one who lived a sinless lie. "Tempted like us, yet without sin."
5. Only one whose death could be significant.
a. Should I die I am just reaping the judgment for my own sin.
b. Because He was sinless, His death was not for His guilt but for
A. Leaving the glories of heaven to come to this earth.
1. You think, well that's not so bad, that Galilee region where He spent most
of His time rather beautiful.
2. By comparison it would be like the president moving incognito into the
inner-city slums of New York.
a. From the splendors of the White House to the unutterable filth of
the tenement.
b. From the protection of the Secret Service to the open exposure of
the mobs in areas that the police will not enter any longer.
c. From the honor and dignity given to the president to the scorn and
derision of a stranger in a foreign community.
B. The shame and disgrace of the whole situation.
1. We are told, He dispised the shame.
2. He could have called legions of angels to His defense.
a. I imagine God had to hold them in restraint.
b. They no doubt longed to fly to the aid of their beloved Prince.
c. He was despised by man rejected, mocked, abused.
C. It cost His life given on the cross.
1. "Then said Jesus, Father forgive them, they know not what they do."
a. In one sense, they knew what they were doing, following the evil
passions of their fallen natures.
b. In another sense impossible for them to realize the enormity of
their crime.
2. As He hung there and died there, He was paying the price of redemption.
a. Making it possible for you to be forgiven.
b. Making it possible for you to enter God's kingdom.
c. Making it possible for you to have everlasting life.
A. It is God's gift to you.
1. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."
B. Yet you must.
1. Believe in Jesus Christ, His work of redemption.
2. Receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
3. Surrender your life and will to Him so that He might begin His work in you,
molding, shaping, conforming you into His image.